On December 3rd, I delivered a public lecture for married women in their thirties or fourties in Seya, Kanagawa prefecture. The theme of my lecture is "How we establish a good relationship with our family." I gave a 60-minute speech and was in charge of question and answer time. The number of participants is estimated 120.
During my lecture, I focused on three points for bringing about a happy family life. First of all, I spoke that creating a good husband-wife relationship is essential and inevitable. Because children never fail to feel uneasy if their father and mother have conflicts on a daily basis. Some statistics show that there is a tendency that those kids who commit a crime have problematic parents.
Secondly, it is also important for you to love your children unconditionally. If you only love your children when they get a high score at a school exam, you love the score, not your kids. From a religious perspective that all human beings are children of God, that is one of the Seicho-No-Ie's main principles, you need to embrace your children despite their appearances. When you recognize they are wonderful as they are, you feel happy at any time.
I also introduced the other principles of the Seicho-No-Ie teachings;
・Your destiny and environment are reflections of your mind. Therefore you are a master of your destiny and when you change the world surround you will change.
・All religions emanate from one universal God.
Through my presentation, I projected some pictures and key words on the screen by using a presentation soft, Powerpoint. To tell the truth, though I presented my lectures many time, I did not use a presentation soft during my speech before. I believe it is helpful to the listeners.
After the speech, I had three questions from the participants.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Forest Expansion
Many of us realize that global environment is degrading and forest is diminishing. We all know something innovative measures should be taken, but so far we could not see any effective measures that would save the planet. However, I found a really gratifying move that forests in the world are expanding. At first, I could not believe the news, but it seems to be true. The Reverend Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie, introduces this news on his website, quoting International Herald Tribune's article. His website is available only in Japanese.
According to the article by Pekka Kauppi, a professor at University of Helsinki, who leads a team of researchers in Europe, the United States and Asia, it seems possible that we could reverse a global trend that many people thought was irreversible. Yes, since some experts even expect our earth to be skinhead by 2050, the fact that more developed countries had more and denser forests in 2005 than in 1990 or countries like Vietnam and Turkey seemed to have reversed the trend, along with India and China, must encourage people, like us, who are engaged in a movement to a protect global environment or try to lead a life not to deprive from nature.
As I attached solar panels to our roof, I've been more concerned about how environment preservation movements are going on. I believe we have more and more fellows who take care of world's environment and enlightening general public as a position granted. I hope there will come a day when almost all people in the world respect any men and women, animals, plants, foods, resources and others, in other words whole universe, as a manifestation of God's life.
According to the article by Pekka Kauppi, a professor at University of Helsinki, who leads a team of researchers in Europe, the United States and Asia, it seems possible that we could reverse a global trend that many people thought was irreversible. Yes, since some experts even expect our earth to be skinhead by 2050, the fact that more developed countries had more and denser forests in 2005 than in 1990 or countries like Vietnam and Turkey seemed to have reversed the trend, along with India and China, must encourage people, like us, who are engaged in a movement to a protect global environment or try to lead a life not to deprive from nature.
As I attached solar panels to our roof, I've been more concerned about how environment preservation movements are going on. I believe we have more and more fellows who take care of world's environment and enlightening general public as a position granted. I hope there will come a day when almost all people in the world respect any men and women, animals, plants, foods, resources and others, in other words whole universe, as a manifestation of God's life.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Solar Panels started to work!
On the September 30's issue of my blog, I wrote about our installment of a solar panel generation system. Those panels were set up on our roof around the end of October and started to generate electricity from a week ago. The maximum amount of electricity they generate is 1.34 kilowatt per an hour. It is estimated to create ranging from 100 to 130 kilowatt of electricity per month, that is not a big deal but is a significant step forward.
Previously, I thought the fact that we have electricity by putting on a switch is a matter of course, but I changed this idea. Through a monitor, we can see how much of carbon dioxide we save to discharge as well as how much electricity is produced any time. It feeds our family great joy and encourages us to save resources like electricity, gas and water as much as possible. And I notice that the system even provides us with a mindset of preserving grand nature.
I would like to report in the end of the month about how much electricity we generate and how much we save our fuel and light expenses.

I would like to report in the end of the month about how much electricity we generate and how much we save our fuel and light expenses.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Interview Test
I've halted to update my blog in a week what with concentrating on preparation for an interview test sponsored by Society for Test of English Proficiency, or Eiken in Japanese. I took a paper test including a listeng test for the 1st grade last June. To be fortunate I passed it, but failed the 2nd step, interview test in July. In a case you fail the interview test, you will be granted a pivilege to take two more inteview tests with a first step test exempted.
In a 1st grade interview test, after a brief conversation with two examiners of a native speaker and Japanese, you are supposed to choose a topic from five topics printed in the paper and organize a speech based on the topic. You are required to do all these processes within a minute. And then, you make a two-minute presentation and have some questions on your speech from examiners in four minutes. That's all.
This was one of the toughest test that I've ever taken. When I took this exam in July for the first time, I could not arrange my speech well and it ended up falling apart. Then, seraching more information on that, I found there were wide range of sociable questions in the past interview tests, like this:
・Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
・Would you be willing to pay higher taxes for better government sevices?
・Should certain books, movies, or music be censored?
・The pros and cons of self-employment
・"Love conquers all" - do you agree?
Therefore, I prepared 20 topics which I predict which is likely on the speech list. In addition that, my English teacher gave me some practice exercises and evaluated my speech in an every lesson. Thanks to these efforts, I believe I could relatively organize my speech and answered the questions from examiners, despite the questions delivered were all unfamiliar. I hope I can make it this time. Incidentally, the topic I chose was:
Should parents be responsible for their childrens' behavior?
My answere is of course, YES.
In a 1st grade interview test, after a brief conversation with two examiners of a native speaker and Japanese, you are supposed to choose a topic from five topics printed in the paper and organize a speech based on the topic. You are required to do all these processes within a minute. And then, you make a two-minute presentation and have some questions on your speech from examiners in four minutes. That's all.
This was one of the toughest test that I've ever taken. When I took this exam in July for the first time, I could not arrange my speech well and it ended up falling apart. Then, seraching more information on that, I found there were wide range of sociable questions in the past interview tests, like this:
・Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
・Would you be willing to pay higher taxes for better government sevices?
・Should certain books, movies, or music be censored?
・The pros and cons of self-employment
・"Love conquers all" - do you agree?
Therefore, I prepared 20 topics which I predict which is likely on the speech list. In addition that, my English teacher gave me some practice exercises and evaluated my speech in an every lesson. Thanks to these efforts, I believe I could relatively organize my speech and answered the questions from examiners, despite the questions delivered were all unfamiliar. I hope I can make it this time. Incidentally, the topic I chose was:
Should parents be responsible for their childrens' behavior?
My answere is of course, YES.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Marriage has been a traditional life goal for many people in the past. However, reflecting on the diversifications of values among people these days, some choose to stay single all their life. As a matter of fact, in Scandinavian countries, the number of couples who do not claim their marriage despite they share their life is increasing by leaps and bounds. Though I accept the idea that people have their own values, I would like to focus on the advantages of marriage.
First of all, I think raring a child is a priceless experience. Raising children gives you an opportunity to reflect upon yourself and be grateful to people who have supported you all through life. I really appreciae my parents from the bottom of my heart especially after my wife carried a child.
Secondly, through marriage, you tend to become more moderate and tolerant. Unless you accept the ideas of your spouse, you will never feel at home in life. This helps you deal with your boss, colleagues, friends and others.
However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, especially when your children are young, you may have to do many household chores and spend time with your family. This may lead you to feel bound or may hamper you from accomplishing your personal objectives-----such as learning English.
Having said that, though, I believe the advantages of marriage overwhelm the disadvantages.
With my home sweeter and happier, I want to convey the joy of raising a family to young, unmarried people. This may lead the world more comfortable to live in and to make peace.
First of all, I think raring a child is a priceless experience. Raising children gives you an opportunity to reflect upon yourself and be grateful to people who have supported you all through life. I really appreciae my parents from the bottom of my heart especially after my wife carried a child.
Secondly, through marriage, you tend to become more moderate and tolerant. Unless you accept the ideas of your spouse, you will never feel at home in life. This helps you deal with your boss, colleagues, friends and others.
However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, especially when your children are young, you may have to do many household chores and spend time with your family. This may lead you to feel bound or may hamper you from accomplishing your personal objectives-----such as learning English.
Having said that, though, I believe the advantages of marriage overwhelm the disadvantages.
With my home sweeter and happier, I want to convey the joy of raising a family to young, unmarried people. This may lead the world more comfortable to live in and to make peace.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Why is Ijime(bullying) outstanding in Japan?
In my previous English lesson, my teacher asked me why ijime(bullying) appears to be prominent in Japanese schools. It is one of the preparation for an upcoming Eiken(Society for Testing English Proficiency) 1st grade interview test. I think it a frequently and polularly asked question from non-Japanese people. I would like to share my view on it.
Recently, a news report said, a school boy killed himself on the ground that his school teacher played a significant role to trigger other student's bullying. The school's principal seemed to admit the case. It is, not to mention, an unbelievable and unforgivable incident if it truly happened.
One of the reasons, in my view, that we've got so many ijime-related incidents is that Japan is a monoethnic and monoculutural society, therefore, people here tend to be embarrassed with what is different from others. Some people say it comes from the fact that Japanese people have tradiitonally relied their living upon agriculture. It means to harvest crops is required to unite and cooperate each other. This is why they've counted on team work and excluded what's seemed different. I consent to this notion somewhat.
Another reason is that people are inclined to have a group from several people. These gropes are very exclusive, therefore, some people especially who can't make clear themselves tend to feel lonely and be bullied.
More than that, mass media's behavior is also problematic. They too much focus on this kind of accidents. If they report about these incidents as a headline, they will spread all over the world immediately. It gives an impression for the rest of the world to connect Japanese with bullying.
To cope with this issue, Japanese society needs training to accept various kinds of views. In other words, we should have a mindset of diversity. I don't think it is easy to do as a matter of reality, but we can and must do it for fruitful, prosperous and cooperative future.
Recently, a news report said, a school boy killed himself on the ground that his school teacher played a significant role to trigger other student's bullying. The school's principal seemed to admit the case. It is, not to mention, an unbelievable and unforgivable incident if it truly happened.
One of the reasons, in my view, that we've got so many ijime-related incidents is that Japan is a monoethnic and monoculutural society, therefore, people here tend to be embarrassed with what is different from others. Some people say it comes from the fact that Japanese people have tradiitonally relied their living upon agriculture. It means to harvest crops is required to unite and cooperate each other. This is why they've counted on team work and excluded what's seemed different. I consent to this notion somewhat.
Another reason is that people are inclined to have a group from several people. These gropes are very exclusive, therefore, some people especially who can't make clear themselves tend to feel lonely and be bullied.
More than that, mass media's behavior is also problematic. They too much focus on this kind of accidents. If they report about these incidents as a headline, they will spread all over the world immediately. It gives an impression for the rest of the world to connect Japanese with bullying.
To cope with this issue, Japanese society needs training to accept various kinds of views. In other words, we should have a mindset of diversity. I don't think it is easy to do as a matter of reality, but we can and must do it for fruitful, prosperous and cooperative future.
Friday, October 27, 2006
English-language boot camp in OSAKA
As is often said that, generally speaking, Japanese are not good at speaking English, despite their enthusiasm for leaning. However, it is true that quite a few Japanese are very good commanders of English, but it is also the case that many of learners do not have confident to speak English in front of native speakers or they seem to believe they cannot deal with that language well from the very beginning.
To overcome these situations, Osaka education authorities decided to ship their teachers to English teachers boot camp, where ALTs(Assistant Language Teachers) are their instructors, the October 27th issue of ASAHI Online reported. According to the article, about 600 teachers will have attended by the end of fiscal 2007.
One of my extended family members is an English teacher for junior high school, but I've heard that he recently started to listened to an NHK radio course because he cannot speak English well and would be tested in the near future. Unfortunately, I think it is a matter-of-fact.
This is why such a drive must have a good impact on English education in Japan, but in addition that, in my view, what material would students learn is also important. Though I don't know how English is now taught at a junior or senior high school, I recommend them to use material that would attract students' attention. In other word, as a rule, the text books they use are too boring, stuff and stodgy. For example a piece of article of TIME, an American weekly newsmagazine, that include Ichiro or Matsui or some outstanding Japanese must be more intriguing even if it is too difficult for them to read without a dictionary. However, you can learn real English and students can sense how those people are described by top-notch writers of native English speakers.
Anyway, I hope Osaka's education body's approach should expand to all across the country and contribute to boosting this country's competitiveness in an Interatnaional arena.
To overcome these situations, Osaka education authorities decided to ship their teachers to English teachers boot camp, where ALTs(Assistant Language Teachers) are their instructors, the October 27th issue of ASAHI Online reported. According to the article, about 600 teachers will have attended by the end of fiscal 2007.
One of my extended family members is an English teacher for junior high school, but I've heard that he recently started to listened to an NHK radio course because he cannot speak English well and would be tested in the near future. Unfortunately, I think it is a matter-of-fact.
This is why such a drive must have a good impact on English education in Japan, but in addition that, in my view, what material would students learn is also important. Though I don't know how English is now taught at a junior or senior high school, I recommend them to use material that would attract students' attention. In other word, as a rule, the text books they use are too boring, stuff and stodgy. For example a piece of article of TIME, an American weekly newsmagazine, that include Ichiro or Matsui or some outstanding Japanese must be more intriguing even if it is too difficult for them to read without a dictionary. However, you can learn real English and students can sense how those people are described by top-notch writers of native English speakers.
Anyway, I hope Osaka's education body's approach should expand to all across the country and contribute to boosting this country's competitiveness in an Interatnaional arena.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Must-see comedy for IRAQI
When you are mope and sullen, how do you cope with that?
You may eat what you like or do shopping, or call your friends, or possibly write a blog...
One of the easiest and cheapest way is laughing out loud. Even in a war-torn country like Iraq, or because of such a tragedy, laughing may attract people's attention. These are pieces of a newscast parody by an Iraqi comedian who delivers so-called Must-see comedy in his country.
In a recent episode, the host, Saaed Khalifa, reported that Iraq's Ministry of Water and Sewage had decided to change its name to simply the Ministry of Sewage - because it had given up on the water part.
In another episode, he jubilantly declared that "Rums bin Feld" had announced American troops were leaving the country on 1/1, in other words, on Jan. 1. His face crumpled when he realized he had made a mistake. The troops were not actually departing on any specific date, he clarified, but instead leaving one by one. At that rate, it would take more than 600 years for them to be gone.
You can read the whole story by clicking this address. I found it profound in his following sentence, "We need fun in our lives because of our tragic circumstances".
You may eat what you like or do shopping, or call your friends, or possibly write a blog...
One of the easiest and cheapest way is laughing out loud. Even in a war-torn country like Iraq, or because of such a tragedy, laughing may attract people's attention. These are pieces of a newscast parody by an Iraqi comedian who delivers so-called Must-see comedy in his country.
In a recent episode, the host, Saaed Khalifa, reported that Iraq's Ministry of Water and Sewage had decided to change its name to simply the Ministry of Sewage - because it had given up on the water part.
In another episode, he jubilantly declared that "Rums bin Feld" had announced American troops were leaving the country on 1/1, in other words, on Jan. 1. His face crumpled when he realized he had made a mistake. The troops were not actually departing on any specific date, he clarified, but instead leaving one by one. At that rate, it would take more than 600 years for them to be gone.
You can read the whole story by clicking this address. I found it profound in his following sentence, "We need fun in our lives because of our tragic circumstances".
Monday, October 23, 2006
Gender Equality
Yesterday, I read a very sad story about abused women in India, where economic growth has been spiraling skyward these days. An article in the October 22nd issue of the International Herald Tribune titled, "Indian brides pay a high price" reported that "Violent dowry harassment is an increasingly visible phenomenon in India".
According to the article, as their lifestyles are becoming westernized, dowry comes to be used as a convenient tool to get what they want ---- such as a color TV, a motorcycle and a refrigerator. I am astonished to see some grooms even resort to violence with their brides complaining their dowry is too little.
'"People are getting more greedy and aggressive in their dowry demands," said Jha, of the Delhi Commission for Women. "You might expect that as the country becomes more and more Westernized, this traditional practice would be dying out, like other traditions, but actually the reverse is true. The old habits remain,"' the article said. Very unfortunately almost all the victims are women.
However, I found an intriguing take on Islam with an article written by Nicholas D. Kristof, a NY Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist specializing in East Asia. He said on the report of the October 16th issue of the International Herald Tribune that Islam itself may face a Reformation, such as what Christianity experienced in the 16th century.
"I've written often about the honor killings and other abuses suffered by women and girls in some Muslim countries and many Westerners think Islam is inherently misogynistic. But Muslim women themselves naturally resent that kind of Western paternalism, for they want opportunities and equality ― and yet they frequently don't want to discard their faith(or even their head scarves), " he wrote.
Another interesting episode he quoted is that the Proohet Muhammad's youngest and ostensibly most beloved wife, who is thought to be the first Islamic feminist, once said, "In the name of God, I have seen the Prophet saying his prayers while I was there." This message no doubt contradicts the well-known statement, which is considered to be said by Muhammad, that man's prayers are ineffective if a woman, dog or donkey passes in front of the believer.
Kristof concluded that Islam is much more complex than the headlines might suggest. I completely abide by that. Then, what teachings represent true Islam?
According to the article, as their lifestyles are becoming westernized, dowry comes to be used as a convenient tool to get what they want ---- such as a color TV, a motorcycle and a refrigerator. I am astonished to see some grooms even resort to violence with their brides complaining their dowry is too little.
'"People are getting more greedy and aggressive in their dowry demands," said Jha, of the Delhi Commission for Women. "You might expect that as the country becomes more and more Westernized, this traditional practice would be dying out, like other traditions, but actually the reverse is true. The old habits remain,"' the article said. Very unfortunately almost all the victims are women.
However, I found an intriguing take on Islam with an article written by Nicholas D. Kristof, a NY Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist specializing in East Asia. He said on the report of the October 16th issue of the International Herald Tribune that Islam itself may face a Reformation, such as what Christianity experienced in the 16th century.
"I've written often about the honor killings and other abuses suffered by women and girls in some Muslim countries and many Westerners think Islam is inherently misogynistic. But Muslim women themselves naturally resent that kind of Western paternalism, for they want opportunities and equality ― and yet they frequently don't want to discard their faith(or even their head scarves), " he wrote.
Another interesting episode he quoted is that the Proohet Muhammad's youngest and ostensibly most beloved wife, who is thought to be the first Islamic feminist, once said, "In the name of God, I have seen the Prophet saying his prayers while I was there." This message no doubt contradicts the well-known statement, which is considered to be said by Muhammad, that man's prayers are ineffective if a woman, dog or donkey passes in front of the believer.
Kristof concluded that Islam is much more complex than the headlines might suggest. I completely abide by that. Then, what teachings represent true Islam?
Friday, October 20, 2006
Dwindling Birth Rate(3)
So, how should we cope with this conundrum?
What in my view is important is to make them stop abortion from a religious perspective. As an ordained minister of a religious organization called "Seicho-No-Ie," which is based on Japan and spread now over about 30 countries worldwide, I want to focus on preserving life. We consider an embryo and a fetus as an independent human being. In Japan, about 300,000 fetuses are said to be aborted in a year, while the number of new born babies is about 1 million in 2005. Therefore, if there is no aborted children in Japan, birth rate problems should be resolved.
Secondly, to enlighten general public is necessary. If you want to return home early to hold a quality time like having a dinner with your wife and children, you cannot do this without understanding of your boss. Fortunately, I can go back home relatively early and have a good relation with my famliy. However, I think many of executive workers themselves did not participate in child-rasing, some of them may still think only women should do domestic affairs. Therefore, we have to make an atmosphere that children should be raised by the whole society as well as their father and mother.
As a matter of course, some financial support by government is also needed. Tax deduction to child-raring families should be effective as well as increasing lump-sum birth allowance.
Last but not least, it is a good idea to set up father and mother classes where parents can learn how cheerful child raring and how to take care of them. Those participants can exchange information on child raring and get in touch with each other after the classes.
In Seicho-No-Ie, we have thousands of father and mother classes all around Japan sponsored respectively by Seicho-No-Ie Brotherhood Association, men's organization, and Seicho-No-Ie White dove Association, an organization of women.
If people take the problem more seriously, I think there are many things to do.
What in my view is important is to make them stop abortion from a religious perspective. As an ordained minister of a religious organization called "Seicho-No-Ie," which is based on Japan and spread now over about 30 countries worldwide, I want to focus on preserving life. We consider an embryo and a fetus as an independent human being. In Japan, about 300,000 fetuses are said to be aborted in a year, while the number of new born babies is about 1 million in 2005. Therefore, if there is no aborted children in Japan, birth rate problems should be resolved.
Secondly, to enlighten general public is necessary. If you want to return home early to hold a quality time like having a dinner with your wife and children, you cannot do this without understanding of your boss. Fortunately, I can go back home relatively early and have a good relation with my famliy. However, I think many of executive workers themselves did not participate in child-rasing, some of them may still think only women should do domestic affairs. Therefore, we have to make an atmosphere that children should be raised by the whole society as well as their father and mother.
As a matter of course, some financial support by government is also needed. Tax deduction to child-raring families should be effective as well as increasing lump-sum birth allowance.
Last but not least, it is a good idea to set up father and mother classes where parents can learn how cheerful child raring and how to take care of them. Those participants can exchange information on child raring and get in touch with each other after the classes.
In Seicho-No-Ie, we have thousands of father and mother classes all around Japan sponsored respectively by Seicho-No-Ie Brotherhood Association, men's organization, and Seicho-No-Ie White dove Association, an organization of women.
If people take the problem more seriously, I think there are many things to do.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Dwindling Birth Rate-(2)
The reasons why I think the birth rate in Japn is declining are ―
First of all, women's role in Japan has fairly been diversified these days. For example, some women choose to be single while working all their life, or much more married women tend to work. I think working women feel independent and satisfied with not only serving as housewives but also as career women. They may want more offspring than they have now, but they may hesitate because of dreading to lose the position at work.
Secondly, there is a fact that much less fathers engage in child-raring. Despite women's view toward child-rasing having dramatically changed, men's view to child-raring seemed not to be changed like as women's. Quite a few men have to work late everyday because the number of full-fledged employees has been decreasing due to recent layoffs, while the workload has not changed or even been expanding. This is why they cannot spend quality time if they want. This may discourage women from bearing more babies.
Lastly, financial problem should also be counted. Increasing number of people now work as a part timer, they are financially unstable and end up avoiding bringing up children. More than that, educational cost is skyrocketing by leaps and bound.
I suppose what so many factors are combined makes the problem diffiult to solve, even though we all know we must do something. Well, how should we deal with this situation?
First of all, women's role in Japan has fairly been diversified these days. For example, some women choose to be single while working all their life, or much more married women tend to work. I think working women feel independent and satisfied with not only serving as housewives but also as career women. They may want more offspring than they have now, but they may hesitate because of dreading to lose the position at work.
Secondly, there is a fact that much less fathers engage in child-raring. Despite women's view toward child-rasing having dramatically changed, men's view to child-raring seemed not to be changed like as women's. Quite a few men have to work late everyday because the number of full-fledged employees has been decreasing due to recent layoffs, while the workload has not changed or even been expanding. This is why they cannot spend quality time if they want. This may discourage women from bearing more babies.
Lastly, financial problem should also be counted. Increasing number of people now work as a part timer, they are financially unstable and end up avoiding bringing up children. More than that, educational cost is skyrocketing by leaps and bound.
I suppose what so many factors are combined makes the problem diffiult to solve, even though we all know we must do something. Well, how should we deal with this situation?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Smoking Habbit
Smoking is one of the most nuisance in the world to me. Especially in a restaurant, when someone next to me starts to smoke I am always irritated by that and feel like running away from the site. This idea is totally agreed with my English teacher, therefore, we choose a cafe as a lesson place where non-smoking room is completely separated. But smoking advocates say that they have a right to smoke. They may want to have a puff for a change or as an escape, I accept their insistence and think they have a point to some degree.
However in Japan, some smokers light a cigarette while walking the road. It not only makes passers hassle but also brings them danger especially in a case where passers are children. I sometimes witness that the edge of lit cigarette is about to touch an eye of a small child. Therefore, some municipals including Shibuya-ku(ward) where I work for ban smoking while walking, though, unfortunately, it hasn't worked out so far.
On the whole, however, I feel our society is heading to the direction in which smoking in public places is restricted. I have heard that even pubs in England (or Ireland?) are prohibited from smoking. I welcome this tendency, but I am looking forward to a day when smoking is barred in all public sites all across our country.
October 11th issue of International Herald Tribune had an article titled, "With a shrug, the French ponder new smoking ban". The article says that French offices, stores, schools, hospitals, cafes, bars and restaurants will be designated as a place that you cannot have a puff. I suppose there are hefty resitance from those who love smoke, but I hope tihs trend will spread all around the world as soon as possible.
However in Japan, some smokers light a cigarette while walking the road. It not only makes passers hassle but also brings them danger especially in a case where passers are children. I sometimes witness that the edge of lit cigarette is about to touch an eye of a small child. Therefore, some municipals including Shibuya-ku(ward) where I work for ban smoking while walking, though, unfortunately, it hasn't worked out so far.
On the whole, however, I feel our society is heading to the direction in which smoking in public places is restricted. I have heard that even pubs in England (or Ireland?) are prohibited from smoking. I welcome this tendency, but I am looking forward to a day when smoking is barred in all public sites all across our country.
October 11th issue of International Herald Tribune had an article titled, "With a shrug, the French ponder new smoking ban". The article says that French offices, stores, schools, hospitals, cafes, bars and restaurants will be designated as a place that you cannot have a puff. I suppose there are hefty resitance from those who love smoke, but I hope tihs trend will spread all around the world as soon as possible.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Dwindling Birth Rate-(1)
The September 3rd issue of "International Herald Tribune," referred to a dwindling birth rate in Europe. According to the article, the fertility rate in countries like Czech Republic, Slovenia, Latvia and Poland is a very low one of 1.2, which is way below the rate of 2.1 necessary to keep current population. Greece, Italy and Spain are also suffering from low fertility rate of 1.3, the article says.
The only exception is France, with a rate of 1.8. The article says, "France has long encouraged larger families through incentives, from direct per-child payments to allocations for clothing and school supplies, and it recently offered women €750, or $960, a month for a year if they had a third child. Austrian women have been offered €450 a month for three years for a first birth."
As for Japan, its total fertility rate has been dwindling in the past 20 years like so many European countries. Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that the rate for 2005 declined to 1.25. It has a big impact on Japanese livelihood and economy. Because it means decreasing younger labor population and increasing social welfare spending. I would like to raise some reasons why Japanese women tend to give birth to less children.
The only exception is France, with a rate of 1.8. The article says, "France has long encouraged larger families through incentives, from direct per-child payments to allocations for clothing and school supplies, and it recently offered women €750, or $960, a month for a year if they had a third child. Austrian women have been offered €450 a month for three years for a first birth."
As for Japan, its total fertility rate has been dwindling in the past 20 years like so many European countries. Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that the rate for 2005 declined to 1.25. It has a big impact on Japanese livelihood and economy. Because it means decreasing younger labor population and increasing social welfare spending. I would like to raise some reasons why Japanese women tend to give birth to less children.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Ethanol-driven car
I am taking an English lesson every Tuesday for an hour at a cafe. My teacher is a kind, gentle and modest American now living in Japan and married a Japanese woman. In the lessons, we often discuss about preserving global environment. The other day, he provided me with a piece of information concerning ethanol-driven car. The artcle's title is "More Brazil cars run on alcohol," sponsored by BBC online.
"Brazil's carmakers sold more vehicles adapted to run on alcohol last year than conventional petrol-driven models, motor industry figures show," said the article and was followed by the next passage "In all, 866,267 flex-fuel cars were sold in Brazil in 2005 against just 328,379 the year before, the Brazilian motor manufacturers' association Anfavea said."
I think it is a great step in an effort to improve global environment. Because ethanol is extracted from sugar-cane, consequently, there is no emission of carbon dioxide. However, my idea on this issue is that it is useful as an alternative energy for the time being, but there is a dangerous possibility that it can reduce sugar-cane fields as a source of food. I mean Brazil is a very large country and I see there is no such peril so far because sugar-cane is mainly planted in kind of offshore, deserted areas. But especially when people see it benefit from economical point of view, big industries like conglomerates may buy a lot of fields for sugar-cane, and it may end up depriving people in poverty countries of their foods. This is why I cannot 100% agree with the idea of using bioehanol as means of fuel, though it is effective for the time being.
"Brazil's carmakers sold more vehicles adapted to run on alcohol last year than conventional petrol-driven models, motor industry figures show," said the article and was followed by the next passage "In all, 866,267 flex-fuel cars were sold in Brazil in 2005 against just 328,379 the year before, the Brazilian motor manufacturers' association Anfavea said."
I think it is a great step in an effort to improve global environment. Because ethanol is extracted from sugar-cane, consequently, there is no emission of carbon dioxide. However, my idea on this issue is that it is useful as an alternative energy for the time being, but there is a dangerous possibility that it can reduce sugar-cane fields as a source of food. I mean Brazil is a very large country and I see there is no such peril so far because sugar-cane is mainly planted in kind of offshore, deserted areas. But especially when people see it benefit from economical point of view, big industries like conglomerates may buy a lot of fields for sugar-cane, and it may end up depriving people in poverty countries of their foods. This is why I cannot 100% agree with the idea of using bioehanol as means of fuel, though it is effective for the time being.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Divorce Card?
I know there are various kinds of card such as ― greeting card, wedding card, congratulatory card and so on. But I hadn't heard about "Divorce Card" until I found this word on the Business English Conversation program broadcasted by NHK radio. NHK is a Japanese public broadcaster.
According to the Japanese instructor and the American assistant on the progam, Divorce Card was modeled on the wedding card but was not welcomed by people back in early '70, even though the message was friendly and sympathetic. However, with the upsurge in divorce rate these days, as people come to be able to deal with divorce calmly, it seems accepted.
However, I think, rather than writing a divorce card, you would be happy if you write your joy or gratitude to your spouse or partner. This must keep your relationship from being in danger. We tend not to realize how we are blessed until something wrong happens. Therefore, I want to thank all people, things and circumstances that surround me even though they don't seem to be friendly to me. Because, in the long run, I believe it surely makes me benefit in a sense.
Anyway, let us use positive and bright words as much as possible everyday!
Here is my favorite book that I really recommend you to read. OPEN THE DOOR OF YOUR LIFE is full of brilliant and spiritual words written by Reverend Seicho Taniguchi, the President of Seicho-No-Ie, originally in Japanese and translated into English by SNI International Headquarters.
According to the Japanese instructor and the American assistant on the progam, Divorce Card was modeled on the wedding card but was not welcomed by people back in early '70, even though the message was friendly and sympathetic. However, with the upsurge in divorce rate these days, as people come to be able to deal with divorce calmly, it seems accepted.
However, I think, rather than writing a divorce card, you would be happy if you write your joy or gratitude to your spouse or partner. This must keep your relationship from being in danger. We tend not to realize how we are blessed until something wrong happens. Therefore, I want to thank all people, things and circumstances that surround me even though they don't seem to be friendly to me. Because, in the long run, I believe it surely makes me benefit in a sense.
Anyway, let us use positive and bright words as much as possible everyday!

Saturday, September 30, 2006
India and China
I was really really encouraged by the picture of big wind turbines and the article titled "India and China catch the wind" on the September 27th issue of International Herald Tribune. According to the story, Suzlon Energy, a wind turbine manufacture of India, is now on the list of Top five in that field worldwide and expanding rapidly abroad. I have heard that Indian people and industries are suffering from high costs of electricity and blackouts. For example, I was once pretty surprised to see a soccer game of India and Japan, an official match certified with FIFA, was interrupted by the blackout for thirty or forty minutes a few years ago.
"Wind power may still have an image of as something like of a plaything of environmentalists more concerned with clean energy than saving money. But it is quickly emerging as a serious alternative not just in affluent areas of the world but in fast growing, energy-starved countries like India and China," said the reporter, I think it is a good tendency for those countries like BRICs, which refers to Brazil, Russia, India, China and are rapidly economically developing, to acknowledge the effectiveness of using free, clean resources.
I guess countries like U.S., Japan and European countries should make a contribution to help these drives, but I suppose enough political efforts have not yet been seen especially in Japan and the U.S. A few days ago, a new Abe administration in Japan launched. However, I was really disappointed with the lack of any signs to take care of global environment in his policy speech. I do not oppose he focuses on the national security and ponders how to shape our country, but it is common sense that security is closely connected with resources and environment. Without solving the environment problem, there is no future with our country, I think.
To tell the truth, a week ago, I contracted with Shell in Japan to set a solar panel at home. It is a very expensive equipment, but I hope it be a great step to stimulate an environment preserving movement furthermore.
"Wind power may still have an image of as something like of a plaything of environmentalists more concerned with clean energy than saving money. But it is quickly emerging as a serious alternative not just in affluent areas of the world but in fast growing, energy-starved countries like India and China," said the reporter, I think it is a good tendency for those countries like BRICs, which refers to Brazil, Russia, India, China and are rapidly economically developing, to acknowledge the effectiveness of using free, clean resources.
I guess countries like U.S., Japan and European countries should make a contribution to help these drives, but I suppose enough political efforts have not yet been seen especially in Japan and the U.S. A few days ago, a new Abe administration in Japan launched. However, I was really disappointed with the lack of any signs to take care of global environment in his policy speech. I do not oppose he focuses on the national security and ponders how to shape our country, but it is common sense that security is closely connected with resources and environment. Without solving the environment problem, there is no future with our country, I think.
To tell the truth, a week ago, I contracted with Shell in Japan to set a solar panel at home. It is a very expensive equipment, but I hope it be a great step to stimulate an environment preserving movement furthermore.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Global Environment-(2)
If it is true, how should we deal with the situation?
First of all, we need to think about alternative energy created by solar, wind power and hydrogen more and more seriously. In Japan, the number of houses that install solar panels has been increasing. For example, Seicho-No-Ie, where I work for, a religious organization based on Japan and now has spreaded to about 30 countries, has powerfully been promoting a solar panel installment movement to our members and others. As a result, the amount of electricity generated by our corporations' and our members houses' panels exceeds 2,000 kilo wat per hour. Needless to say, it is certainly a small step, but can be a great step for humankind.
Some believe this global environment issue is kind of secular. In other words, they consider it a matter of techlnology. Consequently, they believe technological advancement is enough to solve the problem. However, I do not agree with the idea. Because even if energy efficient car is invented and on the market, it is a human mind to decide to buy or not. Some may buy a super utility vehicle that emits a lot of carbon dioxicide even if they know the car has a bad impact on the global climate. Therefore, I think, it is also important to enlighten general public to have a mindset to love and preserve the Mother Earth.
As for me, I am taking care of my life not to hurt global environment. For instance, I use my shopping bag instead of a vinil bag given at a store. More than that, I drive a energy-efficient car, and I installed a solar-heated water system, and I walk to a nearby station when I go to work. Because I believe each person's efforts to protect global environment is more important than any others.
As a minister of this religious organization, I wll try to enligten people to respect nature and change our daily behavior in my lecture and articles. Because I really want to leave this beautiful earth to our children's and grand children's generation.
First of all, we need to think about alternative energy created by solar, wind power and hydrogen more and more seriously. In Japan, the number of houses that install solar panels has been increasing. For example, Seicho-No-Ie, where I work for, a religious organization based on Japan and now has spreaded to about 30 countries, has powerfully been promoting a solar panel installment movement to our members and others. As a result, the amount of electricity generated by our corporations' and our members houses' panels exceeds 2,000 kilo wat per hour. Needless to say, it is certainly a small step, but can be a great step for humankind.
Some believe this global environment issue is kind of secular. In other words, they consider it a matter of techlnology. Consequently, they believe technological advancement is enough to solve the problem. However, I do not agree with the idea. Because even if energy efficient car is invented and on the market, it is a human mind to decide to buy or not. Some may buy a super utility vehicle that emits a lot of carbon dioxicide even if they know the car has a bad impact on the global climate. Therefore, I think, it is also important to enlighten general public to have a mindset to love and preserve the Mother Earth.
As for me, I am taking care of my life not to hurt global environment. For instance, I use my shopping bag instead of a vinil bag given at a store. More than that, I drive a energy-efficient car, and I installed a solar-heated water system, and I walk to a nearby station when I go to work. Because I believe each person's efforts to protect global environment is more important than any others.
As a minister of this religious organization, I wll try to enligten people to respect nature and change our daily behavior in my lecture and articles. Because I really want to leave this beautiful earth to our children's and grand children's generation.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Global Environment
Today's morning paper,"International Herald Tribune," reported that California is suing the world's six largest auto makers for environmental damage caused by emissions from their vehicles. The United States' government is notorious for NOT enthusiastic on preserving global environment, but I know many of U.S. municipalities have already started to tackle with this problem. I understand that California is leading this drive very well.
I suppose not only auto companies but also petroleum companies need to ponder future- oriented energy sauce seriously because there is a consensus that oil peak is just around the corner. There is an example. I have heard that Shell in Japan, a branch of International oil major, The Royal Dutch/Shell Group, launched a solar panel business for individuals and a salesman recently visited my home to brief on photovoltaic generation system. I am now positively thinking about the installment of the system.
Not to mention, global environment problems are one of the most critical issue that people in the world have to tackle with hands in hands. Emissions of green house gases have been increasing year by year. Experts expect if the world surface temperature would raise by two centigrade compared to the one before Industrial revolution, ice of Arctic Ocean will start to melt, and it will have a catastrophic impact not only on the climate but also the fate of humankind.
According to a simulation performed by a Tokyo based giant computer, Tadahiro Mitsuhashi, a Japanese top-notch environmentalist says that the world surface temperature is considered to reach a dangerous level unless much more measures than we now have taken will not be done.
I suppose not only auto companies but also petroleum companies need to ponder future- oriented energy sauce seriously because there is a consensus that oil peak is just around the corner. There is an example. I have heard that Shell in Japan, a branch of International oil major, The Royal Dutch/Shell Group, launched a solar panel business for individuals and a salesman recently visited my home to brief on photovoltaic generation system. I am now positively thinking about the installment of the system.
Not to mention, global environment problems are one of the most critical issue that people in the world have to tackle with hands in hands. Emissions of green house gases have been increasing year by year. Experts expect if the world surface temperature would raise by two centigrade compared to the one before Industrial revolution, ice of Arctic Ocean will start to melt, and it will have a catastrophic impact not only on the climate but also the fate of humankind.
According to a simulation performed by a Tokyo based giant computer, Tadahiro Mitsuhashi, a Japanese top-notch environmentalist says that the world surface temperature is considered to reach a dangerous level unless much more measures than we now have taken will not be done.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Baby Came-(5)
When I saw some nurses passing by the corridor, I wished one of them would come to say that operation finished safe and sound. But nobody did. Around two o'clock and thirty in the morning, the nurse who briefed me when the operation had started came and told me the operation had completed successfully. Then I asked about the baby, her answer was "Not bad." She said, "The baby is girl. There is no problem at this point, but various kinds of treatment and examination are necessary. She is now in an incubator with oxygen concentration 40%. If you hope, you can see your baby when we are prepared. Do you want to meet her today" "Of course!!" I answered.
In a short time, my wife came back to the room which I was in, I said, "Good Job, honey. I will read HOLY SUTRA, take a good rest." And then she fell asleep. She sometimes waked up, but soon her eyelid closed. I appreciated her at my heart and again read "Holy Sutra."
It was after four o'clock in the morning when I was allowed to meet my baby for the first time. The encounter really produced butterfly in my stomach. The room my daughter was in was strictly managed for immature babies that we had to wear special cloth and wash hands with disinfectant.
I felt really really sorry for my baby, because she was conneted to a lot of tubes and put to sleep by drug. Then, the doctor in charge explained in detail about her conditon and future treatment. I found myself mysteriously relieved because I did not sense tension with his tongue, though what he said upset me a little.
The doctor and nurses suggested me to touch the baby, I followed and stroked her slowly and gently with saying "Welcome! We are really waiting you to come. You must be haste because it is one month before a scheduled day but I think you really want to see your father and mother. How lovely you are! I believe we can live together soon..."
It is very fortunate for us that my wife left hospital a week after the surgery, and we found there was no problem with our daughter after various kinds of examinations. After the baby was released from the hospital, in case the baby had mental birth trauma, my wife took "Baby Massage" lessons by a correspondent course and put it into practice everyday.
She is now two years old and growing safe and sound with a lot of love from many people. She brought us a lot of visible and invisible treasures. My wife's health is extremely improved after her birth. I was granted a lot of responsible jobs at work. But more than anything else, through living with her, we have been taught that how wonderful it is to live.
In a short time, my wife came back to the room which I was in, I said, "Good Job, honey. I will read HOLY SUTRA, take a good rest." And then she fell asleep. She sometimes waked up, but soon her eyelid closed. I appreciated her at my heart and again read "Holy Sutra."
It was after four o'clock in the morning when I was allowed to meet my baby for the first time. The encounter really produced butterfly in my stomach. The room my daughter was in was strictly managed for immature babies that we had to wear special cloth and wash hands with disinfectant.
I felt really really sorry for my baby, because she was conneted to a lot of tubes and put to sleep by drug. Then, the doctor in charge explained in detail about her conditon and future treatment. I found myself mysteriously relieved because I did not sense tension with his tongue, though what he said upset me a little.
The doctor and nurses suggested me to touch the baby, I followed and stroked her slowly and gently with saying "Welcome! We are really waiting you to come. You must be haste because it is one month before a scheduled day but I think you really want to see your father and mother. How lovely you are! I believe we can live together soon..."
It is very fortunate for us that my wife left hospital a week after the surgery, and we found there was no problem with our daughter after various kinds of examinations. After the baby was released from the hospital, in case the baby had mental birth trauma, my wife took "Baby Massage" lessons by a correspondent course and put it into practice everyday.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Baby Came-(4)
I sent my wife a message by e-mail that I would go home as soon as possible after work on 29th, in August 2004, but she didn't notice my message until I came back home because she fell asleep. It was just one month before our child's scheduled day. She looked pale and exhausted when I saw her face in the evening, I went walk the dog instead of her, and we ate supper. But I sensed that she seemed consistently to be dull and something strange.
She shouted "Oh My God," when she was in the bath room. In no time, she dashed out of the room and told me that "I saw a lot of blood discharged." We promptly rushed to our regular obstetrician by car. Soon after she entered a consulting room at the clinic, I was invited to come in. Vice hospital director made us known the really shocking fact that my wife's placenta was about to leave the baby.
As you know, placenta is a lifeline to a baby in the womb, it means the life of the baby and my wife can be exposed to be danger. Hospital director came before very long and announced that he was searching a nearby big hospital like University Hospital that had facilities to be able to perform a Cesarean section and take a treatment for immature babies. It was around 10 PM on Sunday, any hospital could not meet our wish. However, the director once more requested Jikei University Hospital, then it worked out.
While waiting, my wife's agony became severer and severer. Whenever she shouted out of pain, the doctors there encouraged her by saying like this, "That's O.K. Heart beat of your baby is vivid." Soon came an ambulance with siren, she was transferred to the University Hospital. I followed the ambulance and arrived at Jikei University Hospital in five-minute drive.
The doctor at Jikei Hospital who diagnosed my wife immediately asked me to sign the consent form, explaining that unless she took the operation as soon as possible, her and our baby's life would not be assured. I signed it. As I later knew that it was a symptom called premature separation of normally implanted placenta, which can be cause of stillbirth. It was lucky with me not knowing such a horrific fact. As all got prepared, the C-section operation started just 0 o'clock in the morning.
I was at a vacant room alone during the operation performed. A nurse's explanation was followed that it was such a serious operation that it could take at least 2 hours and half and at most 8 hours or more. I was at a loss to the extent that I never experienced and I cannot find any words to express how I felt then. And I had never imagined it was such a huge problem, I only wore T-shirt and shorts, the temperature made me feel too cool.
I read Seicho-No-Ie's Holy Sutra, full of inspired and creative words as a form of poet, again and again and again to relieve myself.
She shouted "Oh My God," when she was in the bath room. In no time, she dashed out of the room and told me that "I saw a lot of blood discharged." We promptly rushed to our regular obstetrician by car. Soon after she entered a consulting room at the clinic, I was invited to come in. Vice hospital director made us known the really shocking fact that my wife's placenta was about to leave the baby.
As you know, placenta is a lifeline to a baby in the womb, it means the life of the baby and my wife can be exposed to be danger. Hospital director came before very long and announced that he was searching a nearby big hospital like University Hospital that had facilities to be able to perform a Cesarean section and take a treatment for immature babies. It was around 10 PM on Sunday, any hospital could not meet our wish. However, the director once more requested Jikei University Hospital, then it worked out.
While waiting, my wife's agony became severer and severer. Whenever she shouted out of pain, the doctors there encouraged her by saying like this, "That's O.K. Heart beat of your baby is vivid." Soon came an ambulance with siren, she was transferred to the University Hospital. I followed the ambulance and arrived at Jikei University Hospital in five-minute drive.
The doctor at Jikei Hospital who diagnosed my wife immediately asked me to sign the consent form, explaining that unless she took the operation as soon as possible, her and our baby's life would not be assured. I signed it. As I later knew that it was a symptom called premature separation of normally implanted placenta, which can be cause of stillbirth. It was lucky with me not knowing such a horrific fact. As all got prepared, the C-section operation started just 0 o'clock in the morning.
I was at a vacant room alone during the operation performed. A nurse's explanation was followed that it was such a serious operation that it could take at least 2 hours and half and at most 8 hours or more. I was at a loss to the extent that I never experienced and I cannot find any words to express how I felt then. And I had never imagined it was such a huge problem, I only wore T-shirt and shorts, the temperature made me feel too cool.
I read Seicho-No-Ie's Holy Sutra, full of inspired and creative words as a form of poet, again and again and again to relieve myself.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Baby Came-(3)
In 2004, it was an extremely hot summer in Japan. Temperature exceeded well over 30 degrees Celsius and sometimes reached 35 degree Celsius and more. My wife was in good health, but a overhigh blood pressure was a ground for concern. Around two months before the expected day, there was a decision for me to make a business trip to Germany for a week. It was a great opportunity for me to go there as a lecturer, but my wife seemed to feel anxiety for my absence.
Germany was the perfect place at that time, because temperature and humidity was fairly lower than those of Japan, and scenery was extremely beautiful. But, at the same time, my duty was not simple. I had to deliver three lectures with interpretation, which was the first time for me, to distinguished audience at the 20th Seicho-No-Ie Spiritual Training Seminar in Europe. However, once the seminar started, my concern was completely and easily removed. The atmosphere was warm and great, and participants seemed to enjoy all events delivered. It ended up a great success that satisfied everyone involved.
Coming back to Japan after, I felt extremely fatigued that I had never experienced. I had been to Europe several times in the past, but business purpose trip was tremendously different from sightseeing trip in terms of responsibility. Incidentally, I was granted bonus during the trip. I was supposed to have a economy class seat, but I was upgraded to a business class seat by airline company's convenience with no extra chage. Not only that, I was seated next to an Olympic athlete of Japan! Unfortunately, I forgot to insert battery to my digital camera, I couldn't have any photo with him.
Two days after my return from Germany, the last and biggest accident waited us.
P.S. You are able to see some photos that I took when I went to Germany at my Japanese site. Here is address:
You will find a small photo at the center of right side. Click it, and about 20 photos will be emerged.
Germany was the perfect place at that time, because temperature and humidity was fairly lower than those of Japan, and scenery was extremely beautiful. But, at the same time, my duty was not simple. I had to deliver three lectures with interpretation, which was the first time for me, to distinguished audience at the 20th Seicho-No-Ie Spiritual Training Seminar in Europe. However, once the seminar started, my concern was completely and easily removed. The atmosphere was warm and great, and participants seemed to enjoy all events delivered. It ended up a great success that satisfied everyone involved.
Coming back to Japan after, I felt extremely fatigued that I had never experienced. I had been to Europe several times in the past, but business purpose trip was tremendously different from sightseeing trip in terms of responsibility. Incidentally, I was granted bonus during the trip. I was supposed to have a economy class seat, but I was upgraded to a business class seat by airline company's convenience with no extra chage. Not only that, I was seated next to an Olympic athlete of Japan! Unfortunately, I forgot to insert battery to my digital camera, I couldn't have any photo with him.
Two days after my return from Germany, the last and biggest accident waited us.
P.S. You are able to see some photos that I took when I went to Germany at my Japanese site. Here is address:
You will find a small photo at the center of right side. Click it, and about 20 photos will be emerged.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Imperial Baby!
First of all, I would like to express my sincere congratulation to Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko as well as Emperor, Empress, Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako on the birth of new baby! As one of Japanese national, I am really pleased to share this jubilant moment with everyone.
Some reporters including Chief correspondent at Tokyo branch of New York Times wrote articles that this occasion may hamper a controversial debate over amendment of Imperial Household Law, in which the article only male can ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne is included.
However I think it is a perfect opportunity for Japanese peoples to think about Imperial Household System as themselves taking a long time. Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, the Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie, expressed his idea on his blog that he would like Emperor and Empress to show their image of future Imperial system, I totally agree with his idea. Because almost of all Japanese national love and respect our Imperial family and we all want Imperial House Law to change in accordance with Emperor's idea.
Some reporters including Chief correspondent at Tokyo branch of New York Times wrote articles that this occasion may hamper a controversial debate over amendment of Imperial Household Law, in which the article only male can ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne is included.
However I think it is a perfect opportunity for Japanese peoples to think about Imperial Household System as themselves taking a long time. Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, the Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie, expressed his idea on his blog that he would like Emperor and Empress to show their image of future Imperial system, I totally agree with his idea. Because almost of all Japanese national love and respect our Imperial family and we all want Imperial House Law to change in accordance with Emperor's idea.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Baby Came-(2)
We probably arrived at home around two o'clock in the morning. We rushed to be in front of the family (Buddhist) altar, which is commonly seen at Japanese home, and started to read "Holy Sutra Nectarean of Holy Doctrines," a Seicho-No-Ie's sutra filled with words of Truth, to our ancestors and baby's soul. Reading this, various thought came to my mind and tear tumbled down my cheek. My wife also shed tears. "We wish we could share the joy of living together, or we wish we could sing with him/her..." We read three kinds of Sutra again and again, and again until dawn.
My wife and I went to bed early in the morning, but we found wake-up bell before long. We prayed Shinsokan, Meditation to visualize God, as usual, then, we left for the clinic we went only several hours ago.
According to my memory, my wife was prioritized to enter the consulting room. I was really nerved that I never experienced those feelings before. In a short time, I was called to see the doctor, who was clinic director and diagnosed my wife. He said, pointing out a scanned picture of the embryo, "Cardiac beat is confirmed. You can have a lot of expectations!" Listening to his words, we were so moved as if we had been in heaven. And we thought that our baby had strong life and sensed his/her desire to live with us together by intuition.
It is lucky for us to have quite time to prepare for carrying a baby in terms both of mentally and technically. My wife and I read about various books on prenatal education. Especially a few months before my wife's expectation, we found the best book for us. The author, an obstetrician of In Vitro Fertilization clinic, recommends us to have "Womb Talk." Usually, we consider parents teach a baby something, but he insists that we TALK TO the baby.
In accordance with his guidance, we willingly started to TALK TO the baby. My wife seemed especially to enjoy their conversations. Wherever she goes, she briefed what she saw and experienced. We led a cheerful and happy life as if we had already been living with him/her together.
My wife and I went to bed early in the morning, but we found wake-up bell before long. We prayed Shinsokan, Meditation to visualize God, as usual, then, we left for the clinic we went only several hours ago.
According to my memory, my wife was prioritized to enter the consulting room. I was really nerved that I never experienced those feelings before. In a short time, I was called to see the doctor, who was clinic director and diagnosed my wife. He said, pointing out a scanned picture of the embryo, "Cardiac beat is confirmed. You can have a lot of expectations!" Listening to his words, we were so moved as if we had been in heaven. And we thought that our baby had strong life and sensed his/her desire to live with us together by intuition.
It is lucky for us to have quite time to prepare for carrying a baby in terms both of mentally and technically. My wife and I read about various books on prenatal education. Especially a few months before my wife's expectation, we found the best book for us. The author, an obstetrician of In Vitro Fertilization clinic, recommends us to have "Womb Talk." Usually, we consider parents teach a baby something, but he insists that we TALK TO the baby.

Sunday, September 03, 2006
Baby Came-(1)
I was waiting for my wife to come out from a bath room at home. Why, and what for? She was testing there with a test drug to see whether she was pregnant or not. Coming into the room I was in, she asked me how I thought was the result. When I saw her bright face, I immediately found it was successful. It was an occasion around the end of January in 2004.
At that time, it was seven years and half since we had tied the knot in 1997. After our wedding bell rang, despite we expected to have a child, we couldn't. It was the fantastic moment that we knew that my wife carried a baby.
A few days later, my wife and I promptly went to an obstetrical clinic near my house to see a doctor. The doctor formally confirmed the embryo in my wife's womb which was 5mm long. We felt a tremendous joy that we never, ever imagined and tasted before.
But there had been some unexpected stories before our daughter was born. One week after we went to the clinic, my wife appealed a severe pain in her abdomen. Around that time, she was doing her job as a dog groomer and engaged in a Seicho-No-Ie activity that promoted an upcoming event. While she took care of her baby, she also tried to lead a normal life.
We soon went to the clinic in the midnight and she entered a consulting room. After a short time, the doctor who diagnosed my wife invited me to the room and explained as showing a scanned picture that the womb wasn't in a good shape. And he added, "If the condition of the womb don't improve, very unfortunately, we may have to extract the embryo even tomorrow." This examination made us extremely shocked and at a loss.
At that time, it was seven years and half since we had tied the knot in 1997. After our wedding bell rang, despite we expected to have a child, we couldn't. It was the fantastic moment that we knew that my wife carried a baby.
A few days later, my wife and I promptly went to an obstetrical clinic near my house to see a doctor. The doctor formally confirmed the embryo in my wife's womb which was 5mm long. We felt a tremendous joy that we never, ever imagined and tasted before.
But there had been some unexpected stories before our daughter was born. One week after we went to the clinic, my wife appealed a severe pain in her abdomen. Around that time, she was doing her job as a dog groomer and engaged in a Seicho-No-Ie activity that promoted an upcoming event. While she took care of her baby, she also tried to lead a normal life.
We soon went to the clinic in the midnight and she entered a consulting room. After a short time, the doctor who diagnosed my wife invited me to the room and explained as showing a scanned picture that the womb wasn't in a good shape. And he added, "If the condition of the womb don't improve, very unfortunately, we may have to extract the embryo even tomorrow." This examination made us extremely shocked and at a loss.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
English Education in Primary School
In Japan, the passion of learning English is surging these days. Especially Eiken or TOEIC is getting more popular. A few years ago, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced that they were preparing to introduce English education to elementary school in Japan. However, unfortunately, I think it won't work well. Why?
First of all, I don't think there are enough native English speakers who are qualified to teach English in school in Japan. To speak English and to teach English is a very different cup of tea. For example, I have once learned English at a famous English Conversation School, but I could not encounter excellent teachers there. I think teaching English as a second language is required many skills and patience.
Secondly, there are many things that students should learn at elementary school, while learning hours are getting limited. If you add English education to current curriculums, students cannot have much time to learn Kanji or reading skills of their mother language, or Japanese, and other subjects. If you do not get reading comprehension at an early stage of life, you cannot be a person of use when you grow, especially in a global arena.
On the other hand, it is true that you have advantages to learn English at primary school. Through learning English, students can understand there are many cultures and languages in the world. This kind of experience can help students nurture international mindset where they can accept different values. In the long view, I believe it helps prevent conflicts and promote mutual understanding throughout the world.
As for me, I want to have my two-year-old daughter (today is her birthday!) take English lessons as early as possible. When I have time, I am supposed to read English picture books to her with CD.
Taking situation surrounding English education and elementary school into consideration, I now cannot agree with introducing English class to elementary school at this time. However, when things are arranged properly, we should go ahead without hesitation.
First of all, I don't think there are enough native English speakers who are qualified to teach English in school in Japan. To speak English and to teach English is a very different cup of tea. For example, I have once learned English at a famous English Conversation School, but I could not encounter excellent teachers there. I think teaching English as a second language is required many skills and patience.
Secondly, there are many things that students should learn at elementary school, while learning hours are getting limited. If you add English education to current curriculums, students cannot have much time to learn Kanji or reading skills of their mother language, or Japanese, and other subjects. If you do not get reading comprehension at an early stage of life, you cannot be a person of use when you grow, especially in a global arena.
On the other hand, it is true that you have advantages to learn English at primary school. Through learning English, students can understand there are many cultures and languages in the world. This kind of experience can help students nurture international mindset where they can accept different values. In the long view, I believe it helps prevent conflicts and promote mutual understanding throughout the world.
As for me, I want to have my two-year-old daughter (today is her birthday!) take English lessons as early as possible. When I have time, I am supposed to read English picture books to her with CD.
Taking situation surrounding English education and elementary school into consideration, I now cannot agree with introducing English class to elementary school at this time. However, when things are arranged properly, we should go ahead without hesitation.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Summer Vaction

Now I get back to my daily life and remember this beautiful memory.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
War Memoria Day-(3)
3. Meat Eating Habit
To put it simply, there is a principle that those who kill will be slain. On the other hand, the principle means that those who give their life to others will be enliven. From a religious and life-centralism perspective, it is apparently desirable to stop meat eating. Because farm animals have will to live and don't want to be killed against their will. Especially an industrialized meat processed system has caught on these days, domestic animals tend to be treated in a very cruel way. Whether cows, pigs and chickens would be, they are confined to very narrow spaces for people want better and delicious meat at a low cost.
In addition that, they are given unnatural feed in high calories that they do not originally favor. According to "A Diet For A New America," written by John Robbins, it is estimated that one out of three of grain produced worldwide is given to domestic animals. Furthermore, there is a fact that you need 7 kilograms of grain to gain 1 kilograms of beef. The author says that if everyone in the world only ceases to eat beef, you will obtain amount of food that provide 9 billion people on the planet. This means that you can save starving people all around the world only by quitting eating beef. In other words, it is possible for us to bring about a society that is friendly also for human beings and animals by reflecting upon and changing our daily life styles to an extent we can.
When taking those elements into consideration, to realize world peace from a religious perspective, first of all, we need to recognize our true self. Namely, we are children of God, not physical beings. Therefore, we are never sinners, rather we have infinite potentials and abilities to improve this world as much as we want. Secondly by trying to lead a life that doesn't take from others but a one that gives to others, we can change our world without any blood shed.
Those are all I was taught from SNI founder Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi and the Vice President of SNI, Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi through their books and lectures.
Thank you very much!
To put it simply, there is a principle that those who kill will be slain. On the other hand, the principle means that those who give their life to others will be enliven. From a religious and life-centralism perspective, it is apparently desirable to stop meat eating. Because farm animals have will to live and don't want to be killed against their will. Especially an industrialized meat processed system has caught on these days, domestic animals tend to be treated in a very cruel way. Whether cows, pigs and chickens would be, they are confined to very narrow spaces for people want better and delicious meat at a low cost.
In addition that, they are given unnatural feed in high calories that they do not originally favor. According to "A Diet For A New America," written by John Robbins, it is estimated that one out of three of grain produced worldwide is given to domestic animals. Furthermore, there is a fact that you need 7 kilograms of grain to gain 1 kilograms of beef. The author says that if everyone in the world only ceases to eat beef, you will obtain amount of food that provide 9 billion people on the planet. This means that you can save starving people all around the world only by quitting eating beef. In other words, it is possible for us to bring about a society that is friendly also for human beings and animals by reflecting upon and changing our daily life styles to an extent we can.
When taking those elements into consideration, to realize world peace from a religious perspective, first of all, we need to recognize our true self. Namely, we are children of God, not physical beings. Therefore, we are never sinners, rather we have infinite potentials and abilities to improve this world as much as we want. Secondly by trying to lead a life that doesn't take from others but a one that gives to others, we can change our world without any blood shed.
Those are all I was taught from SNI founder Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi and the Vice President of SNI, Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi through their books and lectures.
Thank you very much!
Friday, August 18, 2006
War Memoria Day-(2)
2. Materialistic point of view
If you see a human being as a physical being, you will take your heart to seek money, food, sleeping and sexual desires as much as you want. This apparently destroys yourself, your family, your friends and all. As a same way, if you consider this world consisted of material, you will see a lot of conflicts over lands, natural resources, food, interest and so on. As mentioned above, physical matter has a nature to expand itself unlimitedly. If you want to lead a happy and secure life, you need to separate yourself from your physical being completely.
If I touch on the relation between a war and a materialisitic viewpoint, we should keep in mind, before and during WW2, that Japan excessively sought interest in Manturia and energy sources and they stormed into war to battle with world. In other words, they were obsessed with pursuing those material. Very unfortunately, this atrocity caused deep anger from neighbor countries and it still has a bad impact on security in East Asia.
More than that, you can say that many wars and struggles being waged in the world today are fights over land. A typical example is a battle over Jerusalem. Not only Judaism and Christianity think it a holly land, but Islam does.
Therefore, as long as materialistic point of view is dominated, we cannot feel easy in terms both of physically and mentally.
If you see a human being as a physical being, you will take your heart to seek money, food, sleeping and sexual desires as much as you want. This apparently destroys yourself, your family, your friends and all. As a same way, if you consider this world consisted of material, you will see a lot of conflicts over lands, natural resources, food, interest and so on. As mentioned above, physical matter has a nature to expand itself unlimitedly. If you want to lead a happy and secure life, you need to separate yourself from your physical being completely.
If I touch on the relation between a war and a materialisitic viewpoint, we should keep in mind, before and during WW2, that Japan excessively sought interest in Manturia and energy sources and they stormed into war to battle with world. In other words, they were obsessed with pursuing those material. Very unfortunately, this atrocity caused deep anger from neighbor countries and it still has a bad impact on security in East Asia.
More than that, you can say that many wars and struggles being waged in the world today are fights over land. A typical example is a battle over Jerusalem. Not only Judaism and Christianity think it a holly land, but Islam does.
Therefore, as long as materialistic point of view is dominated, we cannot feel easy in terms both of physically and mentally.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Gender Discrimination-(2)

However, an Italian retaurant in Hakodade, a harbor city of northan part of Japan, have set up "Women only" time, according to an English version of Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan's leading newspaper. The paper introduces the pros and cons of this maneuver. For example, a 50-year-old man says, "It's simply a business tactic," but another 42-year-old man sees it as kind of a reverse discrimination.
I agree with the 50-year-old man's opinion and think it an only strategy. I don't care about it because if some women need these spaces, it is natural for restaurant owners to offer them. However, I don't see the number of those restaurants and other places will be on the rise in the future in this country.
I rather prefer a society where both men and women can coexsit comfortably. Is it a pie in the sky? How about in your country? Do you have "Women only" car trains or retaurants?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
War Memorial Day-(1)
Today is the 61st anniversary commemorating the end of the World War Second. Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan, worshipped controversial Yasukuni Shrine, in this memorial day for the first time since he took office. I don't want to touch upon this highly political issue, rather I want to ponder why peace cannot be realized despite every single person in the world pursues.
I have once heard that about only 200 years had no wars in human's history. Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi, the founder of Seicho-No-Ie, Japan based religious organization, raised some reasons why wars never cease from a religious perspective. There are three points as follows:
1. The notion that a human being has an original sin.
If you believe that a man has an original sin, you will be punished by the principle that a sinner should be atoned for. Some religions or factions focus that a uman has an original sin whether they be Christianiy and Buddhism. However, Jesus Christ never called a human being as a sinner. Rather, he taught like this:
"In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name"
We can see Jesus called God as "Our Father." This means that we all are children of God. I accept that those followers of such religions that focus on human's sin don't intend to exacerbate people's destiny, but what they preach did or does or will hamper their destiny by the rule that what you image manifests. Therefore, you need to use creative, positive and cheerful words to prevent conflicts and improve human's fate.
I have once heard that about only 200 years had no wars in human's history. Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi, the founder of Seicho-No-Ie, Japan based religious organization, raised some reasons why wars never cease from a religious perspective. There are three points as follows:
1. The notion that a human being has an original sin.
If you believe that a man has an original sin, you will be punished by the principle that a sinner should be atoned for. Some religions or factions focus that a uman has an original sin whether they be Christianiy and Buddhism. However, Jesus Christ never called a human being as a sinner. Rather, he taught like this:
"In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name"
We can see Jesus called God as "Our Father." This means that we all are children of God. I accept that those followers of such religions that focus on human's sin don't intend to exacerbate people's destiny, but what they preach did or does or will hamper their destiny by the rule that what you image manifests. Therefore, you need to use creative, positive and cheerful words to prevent conflicts and improve human's fate.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Gender Discrimination-(1)
Women's role in Japan is fairly diversified these days. For example, some women choose to be single while working all their life. Therefore, women's views about working are said to have changed in the past decade. If this is so, how has it changed?
Firstly, the number of couples where both the husband and the wife have a job is increasing in Japan. Many feel independent and satisfied with not only serving as housewives but also as career women. You would see many magazines that feature working women while rearing children.
On the other hand, the current ratio of women executives in Japan's corporations is about ten percent, increased only by one percent in the past decade. In the workplace, there still are discriminations on the grounds of gender. It may come from the custom that men were given priority.
However, the rate of women that accounts for all graduates with an advanced education has increased by eight percent from 1994 to 2004, though the figure is the lowest in 30 countries surveyed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. This may prevent women from securing a responsible position in a company.
Japan is witnessing a change in terms of women's career. However, we can see another trend on the trains, in the restaurants and other places. What do you think is it?
Firstly, the number of couples where both the husband and the wife have a job is increasing in Japan. Many feel independent and satisfied with not only serving as housewives but also as career women. You would see many magazines that feature working women while rearing children.
On the other hand, the current ratio of women executives in Japan's corporations is about ten percent, increased only by one percent in the past decade. In the workplace, there still are discriminations on the grounds of gender. It may come from the custom that men were given priority.
However, the rate of women that accounts for all graduates with an advanced education has increased by eight percent from 1994 to 2004, though the figure is the lowest in 30 countries surveyed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. This may prevent women from securing a responsible position in a company.
Japan is witnessing a change in terms of women's career. However, we can see another trend on the trains, in the restaurants and other places. What do you think is it?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Terrorist Plot
In today's morning paper, a lot of articles covered the news on a terrorist plot against America-bound airlines. Fortunately, Mass Murder was prevented and some British nationals of Pakistani origin were arrested.Investigation is now going on. I was really relieved to see such an atorocity was not committed, however, I was pretty surprised with their tactic. I mean they used liquid in pet bottle as an explosive substance and instant cameras... If they were clever enough to catch up with such an idea, I think, they should have used the idea in a different way for more peaceful purposes.
I suppose it is easy for non-muslim people in industrialized countries to criticize what Islam extremists was about to bring on in London, however, we need to know and understand what they have in mind and what drives them do such a terrible act.
In the Seicho-No-Ie teachings, our destiny and environment is a reflection of our mind. It also means that the destiny and environment of the world is a reflection of the world's mind. Unfortunately there are many outrages not only in Beirut, Bagdad, Tehran and Pyongyang but also in mind of ordinary people, therefore, we need to discharge the opposite feelings, namely positive, cheerful and beautiful ideas to the universe.
This is why I pray Shinsokan, Meditation to visualize God, in the morning and night and pray for world peace. Here is PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi, 1893-1980, the founder of Seicho-No-Ie.
God's infinite love flows into me (us),
And shines forth from me (us) as a
brilliant spiritual light of love.
The spiritual light of love grows and
grows in intensity,
Covering the entire world,
And filling the hearts of all mankind,
With thoughts only of love, peace, order,
and the Truth of oneness in God.
I suppose it is easy for non-muslim people in industrialized countries to criticize what Islam extremists was about to bring on in London, however, we need to know and understand what they have in mind and what drives them do such a terrible act.
In the Seicho-No-Ie teachings, our destiny and environment is a reflection of our mind. It also means that the destiny and environment of the world is a reflection of the world's mind. Unfortunately there are many outrages not only in Beirut, Bagdad, Tehran and Pyongyang but also in mind of ordinary people, therefore, we need to discharge the opposite feelings, namely positive, cheerful and beautiful ideas to the universe.
This is why I pray Shinsokan, Meditation to visualize God, in the morning and night and pray for world peace. Here is PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi, 1893-1980, the founder of Seicho-No-Ie.
God's infinite love flows into me (us),
And shines forth from me (us) as a
brilliant spiritual light of love.
The spiritual light of love grows and
grows in intensity,
Covering the entire world,
And filling the hearts of all mankind,
With thoughts only of love, peace, order,
and the Truth of oneness in God.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Seminar in Kanagawa-(2)
As a part of our environment preservation activity, the room temperature was maintained over 28 degree centigrade and all trash was separated properly.
What impressed me most is the fact students have been changed day by day. Quite a few students had problems on parent-child relations, friends, studies, etc. However, as time went by and taking lectures and some useful advices by friends and senior members, they seemed to have confident to solve those problems.
And I noticed that some students have divorced parents. I felt they sought parental love because they tried something mischievous to attract staff members attention. I need to take measures to deal with those stiations.
Participating this seminar, I was convinced that it was God who conducted the seminar. I was also spiritually cleansed and reborn as a child of God.
Thank you very much for all participants, managing staff members and all members who dedicated to this event.

And I noticed that some students have divorced parents. I felt they sought parental love because they tried something mischievous to attract staff members attention. I need to take measures to deal with those stiations.

Thank you very much for all participants, managing staff members and all members who dedicated to this event.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Seminar in Kanagawa-(1)
I attended a Seicho-No-Ie Spiritual Training Seminar for junior and high school students in Kanagawa as a dispatched lecturer from 4th to 7th this August. About 30 students as well as about the same number of managing staff enjoyed this 4 day-seminar. The seminar includes several lectures, round table discussions, a mind purification ceremony, mutual Shinsokan meditation, outdoor workshops and so on. Kanagawa Missionary area is famous for a disciplined managing system and deliberate preparation, therefore, the seminar was really organized.
In my lectures, I focused that God creates only good, therefore, every human being is a child of God that possesses infinite ability and potential. And I showed them how parents love their children introducing about myself. More than that, I explained in a Seicho-No-Ie way of life that we should avoid meat food not only from a religious perspective but from an ecological and humanitarian point of view.
I mean, SNI teaches to respect every single life, so it is natural for us not to eat meat. And I briefed how domestic animals are grown and treated and how those animals are changed to packed meat. Actually, throughout the seminar, there are no meat food in every dish. They were really delicious so that almost all students did not realize they had had no meat food until I touched on it.
During my lectures, students were surprisingly well behaved. They took memos and paid attention to me and some photos that I projected on a big screen. I believe this is because Kanagawa youth members take care of those students on a daily basis, therefore, they prepare to listen to this kind of topics. Anyway, I really appreciate that.
In my lectures, I focused that God creates only good, therefore, every human being is a child of God that possesses infinite ability and potential. And I showed them how parents love their children introducing about myself. More than that, I explained in a Seicho-No-Ie way of life that we should avoid meat food not only from a religious perspective but from an ecological and humanitarian point of view.

During my lectures, students were surprisingly well behaved. They took memos and paid attention to me and some photos that I projected on a big screen. I believe this is because Kanagawa youth members take care of those students on a daily basis, therefore, they prepare to listen to this kind of topics. Anyway, I really appreciate that.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Food Additive
Recently, I read a Japanese book on food additive. The author, Tsukasa Abe, was a former sales staff of an food additive company and once called as "food addiitve sommelier," therefore, he explained how food can be sold such a low cost by adding some powder and how much additive contains in ordinary food. After reading this book, my desire for snacks was almost completely removed.
To tell the truth, I have quit eating meat for five or six years, however, I liked snacks very much. I told this story to my wife and suggested that we only purchase additive-free food, then she really welcomed this proposal and we immediately started to put it into practice. But as additive-free food is usually expensive, we have carefully to plan what to buy at a food shop.
I was taught by reading this book that to know is the first step to improve our life. This book is originally introduced by honorable spiritual Mentor, Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie at a Special Conference for SNI ministers on July 5th. I really appreciate him for such priceless teachings.
To tell the truth, I have quit eating meat for five or six years, however, I liked snacks very much. I told this story to my wife and suggested that we only purchase additive-free food, then she really welcomed this proposal and we immediately started to put it into practice. But as additive-free food is usually expensive, we have carefully to plan what to buy at a food shop.
I was taught by reading this book that to know is the first step to improve our life. This book is originally introduced by honorable spiritual Mentor, Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie at a Special Conference for SNI ministers on July 5th. I really appreciate him for such priceless teachings.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Preparation for a seminar
Today I concentrated on preparation for the lectures at home that I would deliver at a Seicho-No-Ie spiritual training seminar for senior and junior high school students in Kanagawa from August 4th to 7th. At the seminar, I am responsible for five lectures such as――"Let's realize the true yourself, only one in the world," "A happy life comes from expressing gratitude to your parents," "How precious Life is," "Let's learn your country's own values and contribute to the world," and "Let's have a magnificent dream!" Having prepared these lectures, I myself was also realized that I am enlivened by invisible Great Life as well as my parents and others. I am really looking forward to seeing those students and staff members there.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Memorial Service

My wife and I with our daughter had a memorial service yesterday. For whom? For our rabbit, Aka. She passed away on July 30th of last year at age of 5-year-and-4-month-old, so now, just a year went by. We made a simple altar for her and read "HOLY SUTRA NECTAREAN SHOWER OF HOLY DOCTRINES," a sutra that is said to be condensed the teachings of Seicho-No-Ie. Since she favored melon very much when she was alive, we served a piece of melon in front of the altar. My wife and I felt she was really delighted.
Incidently, we named the rabbit Aka when Aka came to our home. At that time, we did not have children, therefore, we tried by using power of words to invite our children. I mean, every time we called the rabbit, we said, "Aka-chan, Aka-chan" or "Baby, Baby" in Japanese. We learn that words have power to create from the SNI's teachings, so we applied this principle.
As a result, my wife had fortunately carried a daughter two years ago. It had been eight years since we got married. We believe Aka called our daughter, Manami, to come this home. Thank you Aka and have a happy life in HEAVEN!
Tetsuya Abe
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