Acting Chief, Seicho-No-Ie Hawaii Missionary Area
Shouldn't we always maintain a bright mind? Let us be kind to others. Let us be grateful to the work at present before us. Let us believe that this work contributes to society and the world. Always do good, not so that others may see our works, but that we may live in accordance with the will of God. In addition, respect others and let us respect ourselves as well. All people are children of God. An evil or imperfect person is nowhere to be found. (Rev. Seicho Taniguchi, "Messages of Wisdom and Love," p. 83)
The 44th International Spiritual Training Seminar (ISTS) was held at the SNI Hawaii Jisso Center from February 22 to 24, with Rev. Yoshiko Teshigawara, Bishop of U.S. Missionary Headquarters, Rev. Bruce Mallery, Chief of New York Missionary Area, as well as Rev. Tetsuya Abe and Rev. Leslie Iwatani of Hawaii, staff members, and 50 trainees. We had a truly inspiring and memorable time. It was an opportunity for our members to deepen their faith and get recharged for further propagational activities. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you who participated in the seminar and were involved in its preparation and operation. (See article on pp. 2-5)

ISTS was launched in 1995 to disseminate the Seicho-No-Ie teachings in English not only to people in the U.S. but throughout the world. It was based in New York which has a large number of people of diverse backgrounds.
For this purpose, ISTS decided to adopt new ways in rituals and ceremonies so that the average American can feel comfortable not adhering to traditional ways conducted in the respective Missionary Areas. The new procedures were discussed and adopted by ministers and leaders in this country including Rev. Leslie Iwatani, and approved at the Top Level Meeting of International Headquarters.

Since ISTS is open to all people throughout the world, three Japanese-speaking members who usually attend only Japanese seminars participated in this ISTS. Some of them thought, “It is meaningless because I cannot fully understand English” but after the seminar, they unanimously expressed their feelings as follows: "How wonderful the ISTS is. It was beyond my expectations. I will invite others from the Japanese group when we have ISTS the next time in Hawaii." One of the participants who had suffered from domestic and business problems called to tell me that things were getting better and better after the seminar.

In this way, the Spiritual Training Seminar stirs your soul and gives you an opportunity to be reborn as a child of God. God's salvation goes beyond the difference of language and customs. This is because the STS is always guided by God and all participants are children of God.
This year, it will be the 20th year since Mrs. Teruko Taniguchi passed away in April 1989. She worshiped every being as a manifestation of the life of God and Buddha. According to her daughter, Mrs. Emiko Taniguchi, President of SNI White Dove Association, Mrs. Teruko Taniguchi composed the following poem and pinned it on her kitchen wall as a reminder:
“Everything Is Precious”
Things are not just things?
They are manifestations of God's life.
Use water sparingly.
Use fire sparingly.
Do not waste even a piece of vegetable? potato, carrot or burdock.
Apologize if you crack even a small plate.
Remember to extend the life of all things, organic or inorganic.
Everything is entrusted to us by God.
(Emiko Taniguchi, Kokoro no Tabiji,
“Journey of the Mind,” pp.207-208)