To Revere the Center (2)
Rev. Tetsuya Abe
Acting Chief, Seicho-No-Ie Hawaii Missionary Area
Mrs. Cindy Murakami was born in 1938 as the eldest daughter among four siblings in Sendai, in northern Japan. Her family ran a bakery, however her father didn't work seriously. He drank from morning till night and was violent to his family. His wife was so fearful that she could do nothing to improve the situation. In this way, Mrs. Murakami had a difficult time as a child.
When she was in high school, she fell in love with an American soldier stationed in the city and married him when she was 19. After their marriage, they came to Hawaii, her husband's birthplace and started a new life. She was 9 months pregnant at that time. They dreamed of a happy life here, however that was not meant to be. Her husband spent lonely days when he was a child because his parents passed away very early. On the other hand, Mrs. Murakami spent hell-like days when she was a child; therefore, they didn't know how to create a happy and cheerful life and divorced less than a year after their marriage.
After a few years of sadness, she met her current husband at a coffee shop and got married, and they were immediately blessed with a son. However, their happiness didn't last long. Her husband, who was born and raised as the eldest son of a wealthy family, worked with a sincere attitude, but Mrs. Murakami, lived life with a spirit of defiance, so they could not be on good terms with each other. Now she can see him as an unselfish man with a good heart; however, she considered him as sloppy and spineless at that time. As a result of continuing to treat him with contempt, he gradually stopped providing for his family and started womanizing.
She was very disappointed with such a terrible marital relationship and another divorce came to her mind; however, she chose not to for some reason. Seeking salvation, she read various religious books. "I remember in my childhood when my grandma often took me to temples and I had a strong feeling that there was something that would save me," said Mrs. Murakami.
She once joined a Japanese religion, but it didn't satisfy her. One day, when she listened to a radio program on KZOO, she was captured by spiritually strong words such as "Man is a child of God" and "You can change your destiny by changing your mind." Having felt that this is exactly what she sought, she called Matlock Center and made an appointment for private counseling.
After consultation with resident minister, Rev. Mario Kawakami, she immediately joined SNI. By practicing Shinsokan Meditation and reading SNI books, she was able to solve many problems; however, she still could not be reconciled with her husband and another ten years had passed.
"I really want to change my destiny at any price," Mrs. Murakami thought and in the middle of February of this year came to me for private counseling. After listening to her life's story, I told her as follows: "Despite any situation you've encountered, your parents have always deeply loved you but they failed to manifest their love which they must have regretted. Since the center of your family is your ancestors and your husband, if you want to solve your problem in accordance with the SNI teachings, the only way is for you to worship the divinity of your husband and see his True Image. In fact, you do LOVE your husband." I concluded our counseling by encouraging her to attend the 44th International Spiritual Training Seminar (ISTS) to be held at Jisso Center at the end of the month.
As she listened to the lectures and practiced Shinsokan and other ceremonies at the ISTS, her feelings toward her husband has gradually changed from hatred to love. Among the attendees was the husband of Rev. Yoshiko Teshigawara, Bishop, who came to Hawaii as a lecturer. She asked him the following question, "What makes a husband the happiest?" His answer was to be accepted and recognized by his wife. His words had a great impact on Mrs. Murakami.
Going back home, she started to practice the prayer of reconciliation to her husband and parents in a sincere manner. After a few days of practice, she unknowingly spoke tender words. It was her husband who was astonished and pleased. When she saw his delightful smile, the accumulated hatred and anger in her mind disappeared. Mr. and Mrs. Murakami are now running their own company making Hawaiian dancing dolls and it is a very prosperous business with rush orders. "Heaven comes to my home," said Mrs. Murakami.
Whatever your environment or family situation may be, when you revere and take care of the center, everything goes well harmoniously.
Special announcement: We will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Jisso Center on Sunday, September 7. Contemplating the significance of Jisso Center, let us make this the opportunity for our Missionary Area to advance God's Humanity Enlightenment Movement - International Peace by Faith Movement. Thank you very much.
(To be continued)