Mr. Gordon Ogi, President of SNI Kona Center, prepared all the programs, encouraged their members to attend those events, and took care of us during our stay. Thanks to his dedication, we were able to spend a meaningful and fruitful time to share the teachings and a very good time to exchange each other. We enjoyed our company with about 15 participants on Saturday and about 20 participants on Sunday.
I was in charge of a 45-minute English lecture respectively on Saturday and Sunday. I talked about my spiritual journey on how I was engaged in SNI movement and on how to deal with this economical adversities by introducing the teachings by Founder Taniguchi on this topic and a testimony of a president of car repair company who had once faced an economical and mental challenging but got recovery by putting "Sundial Way of Life" into practice in his life. The next day, I talked about "Sundial Way of Life" in more detail and Rev. Seicho Taniguchi's accomplishment because he was an excellent role model of Sundial way of life.
There are some "brothers" and a "sister" to my 4-year-old daughter in Kona who attended the events. Since they kindly took care of my daughter during the service and class, my wife was able to attend the events without worrying about our daughter. More than that, since she has recently been attending ESL (English as Second Language) class at an adult school in Kailua Oahu, she enjoyed communication with their members.
I will extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. Gordon Ogi's family and all of the members we met from the bottom of my heart for their heartfelt hospitality.
Let me share some pictures I took...

From SNI Kona Center. Sunset from this center is magnificent, though we missed this beautiful scene this time....

With Sunday service attendees

Trees of coffee at SNI Kona Center

At Hilton Hotel. Mr. Ogi kindly took us to the hotel to amuse our daughter. She was very excited and enjoyed everything she experienced. With Mr. Akinori Imai, a winner of Overseas' Double Ring Award. His smile is fantastic!
Beautiful singing of birds. About 6:30 in the morning at Mr. Ogi's residence