In the lecture provided by the President, there were so many inspiring, deep, and profound messages that I could not catch up with ..... We learned that how important to hold a religious point of view that "A human being is a part of Nature," and it is firmly existed in the Native North, Central, and South American culture, and also in the traditional major religions' teachings such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and to have a consensus that it is one of the essence of all correct religions should contribute to world peace in this day and age.
Mrs. Junko Taniguchi's popularity was outstanding here in Brazil. Her deeply loving messages which were simmering into people's hearts brought about religious exultation, therefore, every time she spoke a sentence the site was surrounded with applause.
Whenever Rev. and Mrs. Taniguchi entered the hall, and before and after their guidance, all the participants showed their welcome with big applause and claps. They were like a supporter who cheer their own country in the soccer stadium. They said with their hands outstretched high and clapped, "Eooooo, eoooooo, eoo eoo eoo Sosai!" Sosai means President in Japanese.
Not only during the lecturers provided by Rev. and Mrs. Taniguchi, but during all the presentation delivered, applause took place frequently. It is Brazil!
Throughout the Special Conference, as a whole, I was given an opportunity to think deeply about how our SNI leaders should put the teachings such as "God's creation is only good, perfect, and harmonious" and "This phenomenal world is a reflection of mind" into our daily life as an individual, and how we should contribute to our society by those teachings. More than that, we learned that one of the central parts that all the correct religions should be shared is that a human being is a part of Nature.
Regarding a reception, held at the annex of SNI Brazil Headquarters, at a glance, there seemed 400 people invited. After President Masanobu Taniguchi made opening remarks, everyone cheered. We enjoyed dinner, then, all participants stood in line, shook hands and talked with Rev. and Mrs. Taniguchi in turn. You could take a photo of them.
I will fly to LA tomorrow night and come back to Hawaii in the late night of Tuesday.

Since we cannot take a photo during the event, it is a break time.

With Irene and Cassandra Revilla

With Alessandro da Silva from Scotland, who seated next to me.

With Rev. Enio Masaci Hara. He is a former President of SNI Brazil Youth and Young Adult Association. He came to Japan to study about how to run a SNI organization in early 1990 and I took him various places for his study.

At the reception
Tetsuya Abe
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