I myself do not eat red meat, therefore, I think myself a moderate vegetarian, however, to tell the truth, I haven't favored vegan foods until I tried at this restaurant. I ate foods similar to sower pork and vegetables, in which soy was used instead of pork, with blown rice and miso soup. The taste was much better than I expected, and of course, it is very good for health because all the ingredients are organic. You can enjoy those foods by takeouts.
I feel those "good foods" expel something bad in my physical body, therefore, I sometimes go to the restaurant when my health condition is not good or I feel pressured with important events are upcoming.
According to their brochure, the name of the restaurant "HALE" comes from "home" or "castle" in Hawaiian language, "sunny" in Japanese, and "healthy" in old English. The owner is a Japanese, but I saw two English speaking waitresses, both of them are beautiful. Incidentally, there was signature and message from a Madonna's dietician on the bulletin board. Madonna is well-known as a vegetarian.
Tetsuya Abe

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