Let Us Practice the Love of God Deeply and Boundlessly throughout the YearTetsuya Abe, Acting Chief, SNI Hawaii Missionary Area
Happy New Year! I wish you a productive and fruitful year filled with joy and happiness. My prayer is always with you.
I would like to announce once again that we are going to hold the 49th International Spiritual Training Seminar at Jisso Center from February 19th (Fri) to 21st (Sun). The ISTS is a great opportunity for both spiritual growth and warm fellowship. Your attendance is most welcome!
Seicho-No-Ie teaches that "everyone is a child of God" and "everything is one under God." When you awaken to the truth that "oneself and others are one" and put the truth into practice in your life, God will appear in your life and indwelling infinite power will appear. I see many people in my surroundings who devote totally of themselves to society, people, and church without seeking any return. I am pleased to see their faces shining brilliantly and they lead a cheerful and happy life.
Mariko Senju is a well-known worldwide violinist who began her professional career when she was 12 years old and won a global musical contest at the age of 15. She developed her musical gift from a very young age. When she debuted, she practiced the violin 12 hours a day. It was not because she was told by her violin teacher but because she feared she might not be able to maintain her ability without that extensive practice. However, considering her situation where she goes to school, does her homework, and practices 12 hours a day, she had little time to sleep. Despite these exhausting conditions, she continued her efforts and managed to graduate from high school. But just after she entered college, she finally reached the limit of her endurance. One day, she stopped playing.
One year after she quit playing the violin, she got a call from a hospice. The caller said to her, "a terminal cancer patient who was a fan of yours wants to listen to your violin in the last minutes of her life. Would you come and play your violin?" Senju declined in a courteous manner by saying, "I am so sorry I cannot because I already quit playing the violin." However, the caller did not give up. "I didn't ask you as a professional violinist. I am asking you just as a human being." Senju answered, "I understand" and rushed to the hospice.
She could not play well because she had not played for a year; however, the patient's eyes were filled with tears of delight. Senju felt very sorry because she had to give the most terrible performance of her life in front of a person who is a fan of hers and is about to pass away. Senju resumed practicing and resolved to play the violin for the sake of others' happiness.
Before this incident, the more Senju practiced, the more she agonized. However, after she changed her mind, the more she practiced, the more joy came bubbling forth. I once listened to her violin at a concert; the tones were beautiful and very fascinating. She is now very active as a top-notch violinist known throughout the world.
When we live for the sake of others, societies, and the earth, we can find the real joy of living. That is because all living things are one under God, and oneself and others are one. Just as we cannot be happy if one of our family members is unhappy, we also cannot become happy in a real sense if someone, some creatures, and the earth are damaged or endangered.
Throughout the year, let us deepen our awareness as a child of God and practice the love of God deeply and boundlessly at any time, at any place. Thank you very much.