Set a Goal to Manifest Your "Child-of-God" Nature
Happy New Year! I wish you a fruitful year filled with joy and happiness.
In Seicho-No-Ie, we believe that all human beings are children of God, wonderful beings endowed with infinite potential. It is not only the founder of a great religion, but everyone, you and I, who are children of God. However, the value of "child of God" is meaningless if you only keep it wrapped up. When you manifest it to the full extent, you feel the worth of living.
A good way to manifest your "child-of-God" nature is to dream and set a goal. The reason why a high jumper or a pole vaulter can jump so high at an athletic competition is that there is a bar. Because there is a bar the athletes try to jump beyond it with all their might. In this way, their indwelling power progressively manifests itself.
Please imagine what you want to be at the end of this year and write it down on paper. Then think about what you should do to accomplish your goal and put it into practice in your daily life. If you want to master a new language, for example, take one hour to read a book and watch the movies and TV news in that language.
You may not be able to do exactly what you plan every day; however, when you steadily continue your effort, you will see a big difference at the end of the year and will experience a great sense of accomplishment. That is because a human being is created to feel boundless joy when he manifests his "child-of-God" nature.
Let us all set our own goals and make this a year of brilliant achievement. Thank you very much!

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