Sunday, May 02, 2010

2010 May Message

Farewell Words of Gratitude

   In accordance with the decision made by the Top Level Meeting at Seicho-No-Ie International Headquarters on March 10th, I will be transferred from the position of Acting Chief of SNI Hawaii Missionary Area to work for the Missionary Activities and Lecturers' Department at International Headquarters as of May 23. I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude for all of the support and kindness that were shown to us officially and by individuals over the past three years.

   With Oahu members, I was able to learn the teachings at Sunday services, Spiritual Training Seminars, Truth Realization Seminars, and other activities, and I also learned from you the right attitude in faith and in advancing our movement, and many other things.

   When I visited the four neighbor island Centers, all Center members warmly welcomed my family and me, and we could share the wonderful SNI teachings cheerfully with you all. It was one of the greatest pleasures to me.

   I cannot find appropriate words of appreciation for everything given to my family and me both officially and privately.

   One of the most memorable things during my tenure in Hawaii is that we could accomplish big changes with your cooperation, such as changing the rituals and ceremonies to a way that is suited to the U.S. It is truly your understanding, efforts, and right faith in God that made it possible to achieve this without any major disruptions.

   It is also highly appreciated that President Tashiro and the entire Board of Directors are perfectly in accord with SNI Inc.'s policy, take guidance from Bishop Rev. Teshigawara in a sincere manner, and wholeheartedly support our movement in its administrative aspects.

   Another thing I am grateful for is that you listened to my lectures and remarks with great patience. I made every effort to improve my English, but I don't think it was enough for English speakers.

   As far as our movement is concerned, we still have plenty of work to do: holding many more English Readers' Meetings, further improvement of Sunday services, nurturing the leaders who shoulder our movement, expansion of the number of Holy Missioners, and effective usage of the Truth of Life magazine and expansion of subscribers. I feel sorry that I could not be of enough help to promote these movements.

   Regarding my family, although they faced many challenges in the past three years, they learned many things, could grow in various ways, and had priceless experiences. Especially, our daughter Manami enjoyed her school life in Hawaii surrounded by loving and thoughtful teachers and many good friends. She was also kindly treated by SNI members as if she were their own granddaughter. I believe she obtained valuable experiences in building her personality.

   Lastly, I would like to pray for the happiness of all of you and the further development of SNI Hawaii Missionary Area under the leadership of Bishop Teshigawara and the guidance of your new Chief. My prayers are always with you. Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,
Tetsuya Abe


Satico said...

I wish you and your family good luck and happiness in your new SNI attributions. All the best,

Tetsuya Abe said...


Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment. It is appreciated.


Satico said...

Hi Tetsuya-san.

You are welcome! I also add the link to your blog in mine.

Thank you very much!

Tetsuya Abe said...


I visited your blog and found it interesing! You seem a good commander of English, Portuguese, and Japanese. Are you a lady who lived in Seattle?

I once visited Vancouver to join SNI seminars as a lecturer in 2008. I thought it is a very beautiful and fascinaing place.

Take care!