Sunday, December 03, 2006

Public Lecture for married women

On December 3rd, I delivered a public lecture for married women in their thirties or fourties in Seya, Kanagawa prefecture. The theme of my lecture is "How we establish a good relationship with our family." I gave a 60-minute speech and was in charge of question and answer time. The number of participants is estimated 120.

During my lecture, I focused on three points for bringing about a happy family life. First of all, I spoke that creating a good husband-wife relationship is essential and inevitable. Because children never fail to feel uneasy if their father and mother have conflicts on a daily basis. Some statistics show that there is a tendency that those kids who commit a crime have problematic parents.

Secondly, it is also important for you to love your children unconditionally. If you only love your children when they get a high score at a school exam, you love the score, not your kids. From a religious perspective that all human beings are children of God, that is one of the Seicho-No-Ie's main principles, you need to embrace your children despite their appearances. When you recognize they are wonderful as they are, you feel happy at any time.

I also introduced the other principles of the Seicho-No-Ie teachings;

・Your destiny and environment are reflections of your mind. Therefore you are a master of your destiny and when you change the world surround you will change.
・All religions emanate from one universal God.

Through my presentation, I projected some pictures and key words on the screen by using a presentation soft, Powerpoint. To tell the truth, though I presented my lectures many time, I did not use a presentation soft during my speech before. I believe it is helpful to the listeners.

After the speech, I had three questions from the participants.

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