Monday, June 16, 2008

Address(6/15) _1

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very much. Here is my address at Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi's 23rd Memorial Service at Seicho-No-Ie Hawaii Jisso Center on July 15th.

Rev. Tetsuya Abe
Acting Chief, SNI Hawaii Missionary Area

Thank you very much for coming to Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi’s 23rd Memorial Service in spite of your busy schedules. Today is Father’s Day. It is the perfect opportunity for us to extend our sincere gratitude to our spiritual father, Dr. Taniguchi. Thank you very much.

As you know, Dr. Taniguchi founded Seicho-No-Ie in March 1930 by publishing the inaugural issue of “Seicho-No-Ie” magazine. He was 36 years old and Mrs. Teruko Taniguchi was 33 years old when they founded SNI. It means they were younger than I at that time. Therefore, Dr. Taniguchi’s articles were filled with energy, vitality and vivaciousness as well as inspiration from God.

Although disseminating religious teachings by publishing magazines and books, and even on the internet, is now taken for granted, in those days in Japan, to propagate by publication was considered highly advanced. Moreover, the inaugural issue had many articles which were originally written overseas in English. So for the average Japanese who was not familiar with, or not interested in, foreign affairs, Dr. Taniguchi’s message was not easily understandable. In other words, readers of the magazine needed to be very educated to fully understand his articles.

Therefore, in the early stages of the founding of Seicho-No-Ie, Dr. Taniguchi’s books were mainly read by intellectuals or highly-educated people and spread among them. Especially before World War II, reading of the Truth of Life series was considered proof of a well-cultured Japanese.

Dr. Taniguchi published 1,000 complimentary copies of the “Seicho-No-Ie” magazine and gave 10 or more copies to his friends who seemed to be interested in spiritual affairs or who came to faith meetings sponsored by Dr. Taniguchi, and asked them to distribute those magazines.

After a while, Dr. Taniguchi began receiving some thank-you letters. The people said their diseases were completely healed, or their destinies were really improved, simply by reading the magazine. Dr. Taniguchi was very surprised to see those letters because he had simply written about how we should live with a right outlook on our life. In other words, he published educational magazines for a better life and never dreamed of having such responses.

In addition to publishing the magazines, Dr. Taniguchi opened his home for a reader’s meeting and talked about the SNI way of living. Some of the believers who were impressed by Dr. Taniguchi’s teaching, followed his example and started to hold reader’s meetings in their homes or visited their relatives and friends who suffered from disease or other problems, and talked about Seicho-No-Ie. When they did this, diseases were healed and problems that agonized people were resolved.(To be continued)


In the early days of SNI, Rev. Niro Hattori was said to be an expert in healing disease by talking about the teachings. He was a prominent sculptor in Japan. However, a magazine for artists stated that despite his excellence in sculpture, it was unfortunate that he was unable to leave lots of works because he spent so much time in religious activities as a topnotch disciple of Dr. Taniguchi.

Rev. Hattori was once detained on suspicion of healing many people’s diseases without authorization because the police thought it was illegal. The police secretly investigated and collected evidence to determine whether those who met Rev. Hattori were truly healed from their illnesses. However, Rev. Hattori responded to the policeman that he never healed diseases. “Those who listened to my talk spontaneously recovered from illness,” he said. This story spread throughout Japan and resulted in very good publicity for Seicho-No-Ie.

Around that time, a magazine called “Shufu-no-Tomo,” or a friend of housewives, which had a large circulation in Japan, featured Seicho-No-Ie and Dr. Taniguchi in their May 1935 issue. The title of the cover story was “To probe the truth of miraculous spiritual healing – what is Truth of Life that heals difficult diseases simply by telling a story.” Dr. Taniguchi was interviewed by a reporter from the magazine.

According to the Seicho-No-Ie fifty-year history book, from the day following the publication of the issue of that magazine, there were long lines in front of the SNI publication company seeking SNI books and magazines and SNI Headquarters received many calls from all over Japan. At the same time, Dr. Taniguchi and Seicho-No-Ie were criticized by educated people saying that it must be fake. To criticize anything that had a great impact on society is the way the world operates.

However, those good days didn’t last long. Japan was heading into World War II. Censorship was getting strict, and any articles that did not support the Japanese military actions could not be published. Paper was strictly controlled. As a result, SNI ceased to publish any books or articles.

Dr. Taniguchi was still giving lectures. However, as the situation of the war worsened, only lectures that stimulated the war were allowed, and he stopped giving lectures. He devoted himself to agricultural activities and worked all day producing cabbage, pumpkin and other vegetables in his yard. (To be continued)


After the war, Japan was under the control of the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Allied Forces. Dr. Taniguchi taught that the reason for Japan’s defeat was because they started the war. “If Japan had not begun the war, there would have been no defeat. The Japanese people were conceited, arrogant, and against the will of God,” he said. This message also appears in the divine messages. However, Japanese society was heading in the direction where all the traditional values were denied. There prevailed a nihilistic way of thinking in the Japanese society.

Dr. Taniguchi was really disappointed with the situation and established the “Seicho-No-Ie Shakai Jigyodan,” or SNI Community Service Administration (CSA) to encourage the Japanese people and save them from the devastation of the lost war. Unfortunately the plan itself didn’t work due to the reason I will explain, but there was a wonderful by-product. There was a section in the SNI CSA titled, “Translation of Western literature and documents” to show the general public that SNI is teaching the universal truth. One of the young men who was impressed with the plan and was accepted to work at SNI Headquarters was Mr. Seicho Arachi. His enthusiasm, humbleness, and intelligence impressed Dr. Taniguchi. Eventually, Mr. Arachi got married to Dr. Taniguchi’s daughter and became Rev. Seicho Taniguchi in accordance with the will of God. In the Seicho-No-Ie 40-year history book, Mrs.Teruko Taniguchi recalled that the advent of Seicho Arachi was truly meaningful not only to the Taniguchi family but also to Seicho-No-Ie,.

Since Dr. Taniguchi wrote many articles to manifest his love of Japan, he was temporarily expelled from a public position by GHQ. This is why SNI CSA didn’t work well. However, he could keep on teaching without any title. After his expulsion ended, he could freely preach the central truths through publications and grand lectures. Through his lectures and writings, he provided spiritual awareness, improved people’s destinies and environments, and also taught that all correct religions emanate from one universal
God. He actively communicated with global religious leaders and even met the Pope when he went to Europe. He traveled outside of Japan three times during his lifetime to convey his messages.

However in those days in Japan, as a reaction to losing the war, public opinion was against traditional values including the emperor system, self-hatred historical view was taught in schools, and leftist ideology was spreading. It was Dr. Taniguchi who challenged those trends and encouraged the Japanese people by teaching, “You are a child of God. You don’t have to feel inferior. There are many priceless assets among Japanese traditions. Shintoism has nothing to do with militarism (Note: Shintoism was considered a cause of war),” and so on. This movement was named a movement to manifest the True Image of Japan and continued until Dr. Taniguchi passed away.

Dr. Taniguchi’s wholehearted and tireless efforts had a great impact on various fields of endeavor including politics, business, industry, and religion, and the Japanese people gained confidence in general.

In this way, Dr. Taniguchi focused on disseminating the central truths such as “Man is a child of God,” “Our mind and environment are reflections of our mind,” “All religions emanate from one universal God,” while contributing to solving urgent issues which appeared during his time. A movement to manifest the True Image of Japan was a long-term important issue during Dr. Taniguchi’s life.
(To be continued)


As we have learned, while Dr. Taniguchi taught and emphasized the basic teachings, he also devoted himself and the SNI organizations to improving the state of society. I would like to ask you to recognize that we promote our movement not because this world is so bad or worsening, but because truth itself is so wonderful and fabulous. If we see evil and impress it in our mind, evil will appear according to the law of mind. We are honored to be given such a wonderful truth from God, therefore, we should share it with as many people as possible rather than monopolize it. Please remember that Rev. Hattori didn’t aim at healing people’s diseases. He only felt sympathy for those suffering from illness, saw their True Image, and talked about the teachings. As a result, it was the disease that ran away and disappeared. This is a very important point, which Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi often pointed out.

Nowadays, the environment, peace and war, and Islam are pressing issues about which people of the world need to unite and work hand in hand. This is why Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of SNI, and the SNI worldwide organizations, take these issues seriously and focus on the central truths. This is perfectly in tune with the path adopted by Dr. Taniguchi.

In this way, Dr. Taniguchi continued to preach the truth for 55 years until he passed away on June 17, 1985.

In 1992 I joined SNI International Headquarters in Tokyo. Since then, I have repeatedly taught that we need to think about what the center of our movement should be. Namely, it is the will of God and the will of Dr. Taniguchi, and to convey His will should be our foremost priority. Before all employees at the Headquarters start their daily work, they offer a prayer such as: “Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi and Mrs. Teruko Taniguchi guide us and all humankind from a high spiritual world.”

This attitude comes from Rev. Seicho Taniguchi and Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi. Rev. Masanobu mentioned in his address at Dr. Taniguchi’s 20th Memorial Service as follows:

It has been 20 years since Dr. Taniguchi passed away, however, I’ve never felt that he has passed away. When I practice Shinsokan Meditation, and read the Holy Sutra and “the Recitation of Truth” in the morning at home, read his books at the work place, or come to the Main Temple in Nagasaki, I feel Dr. Taniguchi’s ideas filling and permeating the atmosphere. When I visit “Okutsuki,” or Dr. and Mrs. Taniguchi’s grave, I feel I can see and talk to him.

In 2005, I was honored to be assigned to give a presentation at the Special Conference held in Japan. The audience consisted of all ordained and assistant ministers, and the President of the Regional Lecturers Society in each Missionary Area in Japan. Rev. Masanobu very kindly gave me his attention and guidance for my article and presentation. When Rev. Masanobu and the presenters had a meeting for the conference, he repeatedly stated Dr. Taniguchi taught this way or that way. I thought there is no one in the world who reads Dr. Taniguchi’s books or who respects Dr. Taniguchi more than Rev. Masanobu.

Rev. Teshigawara mentioned that whenever she offers a new proposal, Rev. Masanobu asks her, “What are the grounds for your proposal? How did Dr. Taniguchi write about that?” If Rev. Teshigawara could not answer the questions, Rev. Masanobu would instruct her to read Dr. Taniguchi’s writings and look for the grounds.

Through her experience, Rev. Teshigawara often tells us ministers as follows:

The main thing that Rev. Masanobu is thinking and focusing on is how we can apply Dr. Taniguchi’s teachings in this day and age. He doesn’t mind how he, himself, is criticized or evaluated. He only wants to bequeath Dr. Taniguchi’s teachings to the next generation and to as many people as possible and contribute to Dr. Taniguchi’s dream of world peace.

On this important day, I am very grateful to have this opportunity to remember how Dr. Taniguchi dedicated himself to the world, and confirm that his teachings have been perfectly passed on to his successors, the center of our movement. So let us move forward cheerfully and enthusiastically in our movement as a family of SNI International and SNI, Inc.

Thank you very much for your kind attention. Thank you very much.

Monday, June 02, 2008

2008 June Message

  Thank you very much, everyone. Living here in Hawaii, I sometimes discover the unexpected. I didn't know until I came here that I could experience the four seasons in tropical Hawaii. I never expected the mornings and nights to be cool in the summer and the days short in the winter.

  Through my everyday life, I am often overwhelmed by the beauty and magnificence of nature. Among my favorite views are the mountains as seen from the intersection between Kahekili and Likelike Highways, the sea from Kualoa beach which is a ten-minute drive from my home, and the splendid rainbows that can be seen here and there. Without living here, I would not be able to appreciate nature to the fullest. I appreciate God for giving me this opportunity.

  "Change" is a very important principle for the world of natural growth. Through change, we can savor our life and increase our joy and happiness of living. Conversely, it is only natural that things which do not change will decline or be eliminated. Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi taught as follows in his book, For Young People, “Running water does not become stale: water that stagnates putrefies.” (p. 36)

  In Seicho-No-Ie we consider "change as a chance." When change occurs, we will see person “A” who considers it a good opportunity to grow and person “B” who thinks it uncomfortable or undesirable. It goes without saying which person will progress. Of course, there are things that should never change. The teaching "Man is a child of God" never changes. However, the way to worship God is a peripheral aspect that can be changed according to people, time, and place. Practicing this is in line with the will of God.

  I believe all of you readers of this newsletter understand this matter clearly; I would like to ask you to take it as a springboard for SNI Hawaii Missionary Area's further development and do your best both in seeking the Truth and propagating the teachings.
In the midst of writing this message, I went to a bank near Matlock Center, where the following words on a white board caught my eyes : “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” As I left the bank, I felt this message by Andre Gide, French Nobel Prize winner in literature, fits our situation well.

  Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi always had a dream and showed us how to live the Seicho-No-Ie way of life. And this "path" on how to live the SNI way of life in this day and age is being shown by Rev. Seicho Taniguchi, President of Seicho-No-Ie, and Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi, Vice President of Seicho-No-Ie.

  One of the important teachings that Dr. Taniguchi showed us throughout his entire life is not to speak ill of others. (See Truth of Life, Vol 7, Chapter 4) It also includes not to harbor ill thoughts of others in your mind. I believe you are always smiling, seeing the positive side of others, and praising and blessing those points. The more you practice this principle in your life, the happier you yourself will become and that pleases those around you. It is a good advertisement for Seicho-No-Ie. When those who praise and bless each other come to our Services, the atmosphere of our Services will be cheerful and bright, so that even the man-off-the-street will want to come and join us.

  We will observe the 23rd Memorial Service for Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi at Jisso Center on June 15th. We invite you all to attend. Thank you very much.