Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Trip to Vancouver

   Over the last weekend, I went to Vancouver to attend Leaders' Seminar, Japanese Study Class, One-day Truth Realization Seminar as a dispatched minister from SNI International Headquarters. This is the first time for me to go not only to Vancouver but to Canada.

   Vancouver is a very beautiful place where red, yellow and other color's leavers are in full bloom. Since I came to Hawaii last June, I've missed cherry blossom and autumn leaves, therefore, it was a perfect time to enjoy those beauty of nature.

   A wife of the Chairperson of SNI Canada just passed away about a month before the events, the chairperson seemed to make an every effort to encourage his organization and himself. Thanks to a warm and appropriate guidance from Rev. Kobayashi, a resident minister in the country, I saw people there are promoting our International Peace by Faith Movement enthusiastically and cheerfully.

   I talked about the wonderfulness and meaning of SNI Holy Sutras and about the our mission as a SNI leader at Leaders' Seminar where I emphasized on joy of propagation activities and how we can greet a new generation, and so on. On the following day, I talked about the power of words, and Sundial Way of Life at One-day Truth Realization Seminar. As sharing my personal experiences regarding how I came to believe in the SNI teachings and how I got awakened to the pricelessness and importance of this propagation activities, I expounded that the bright and inspiring words have a mistical power to improve our destiny and environment, and sometimes brought us some miraculous improvements. Furthermore, as giving a full account of SNI outlook on people and the world, sundial way of life is highly recommended for us to lead a happy life because not only our destiny but also everything in the universe is a reflection of our mind, when we change our perspective on us, people, and things, they will change accordingly. In other words, we can change the world when we change.

   At the end of the each event, since enthusiastic questions came to me from devout leaders and members, I did my best to answer those questions to be of help to their understanding of the teachings.

   By the way, I found a good news on today's "The Honolulu Advertiser." It said that Hawaii state government and Hawaii Electric Co. signed to establish the wind-power plants so that one third of Oahu energy can be provided from the plants through underground pipelines in the future. The government is aiming at having 70% of the energy demand of Oahu covered by alternative energy by 2030. Hawaii is a treasure of natural resources such as solar power, wind power, and tidal power, and so on. I hope Hawaii plays a leading role to guide the nation to a "green country."

   Presidential election is just around the corner. I hope the person who takes more care of our beautiful Earth is elected as the next President.


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