Thursday, August 06, 2009

2009 August Message

To Convey the Seicho-No-Ie Teachings Today Is the Greatest Deed of Love
Rev. Tetsuya Abe
Acting Chief, SNI Hawaii Missionary Area

Thank you very much.
  I have wonderful and pleasant news for you. Mrs. Carol Perreida, Oahu propagator, passed the Regional Lecturer's Examination that was held last year. Congratulations Carol! Her success is attributed not only to her tireless daily efforts to learn the teachings but also to guidance from Rev. Leslie Iwatani and support by our senior members and colleagues. I extend my sincere gratitude to all of those concerned, and would like to share the joy of her success with all Seicho-No-Ie Hawaii members. Thank you very much.

  Regional Lecturer is a very important and responsible position appointed by the President of Seicho-No-Ie. I hope Carol and all other Regional Lecturers carry out this noble responsibility by practicing the three important religious practices―Shinsokan meditation, reading the Holy Sutras and SNI books, and practicing Deeds of Love―while understanding the Movement Policy which is a written guideline that all of the SNI members in the world should follow throughout the year, engaging in propagation activities based upon the will and policy of the International Headquarters. It surely leads our movement to grow in the right direction that is in accordance with God's divine will.

  On June 28, I visited SNI Maui center to share this wonderful teaching with SNI Maui members. After the Sunday service there, all participants and I enjoyed a delicious lunch at a restaurant near a beach and we enjoyed each others' company. I strongly felt that we can count on those members, including President Neil Masuoka and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nakata, because they are bright, cheerful, and passionate about propagation.

  With this visit, I finished my first visitation to all four neighbor island centers this year. My transportation costs are covered by the SNI Hawaii Holy Mission Fund, which consists of past Holy Mission Fellowship dues which should have been sent to SNI International Headquarters but were held in Hawaii due to some federal regulations. That is why we need approval by the SNI Hawaii Board of Directors, SNI, Inc. BOD, and International Headquarters before we use it. I will make every effort to meet expectations of our neighbor island members, as well as those who approved this expenditure. And I also want to share the importance of our activities as holy missioners in my second visiation this year.

  By the way, we are going to hold the annual Public Lecture on September 20 at the Ala Moana Hotel. It is usually held in November, but due to some reasons, the Lecture will be two months ahead. The following is basic information:

[English Program]
 Date: Sunday, Sept. 20, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
 Place: Ala Moana Hotel
 Rev. Hiei Ando,
  U.S. National Ordained Minister
 Rev. Yoshiko Teshigawara,
  Bishop, U.S. Missionary Headquarters

[Japanese Program]
 Date: Sunday, Sept. 20, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
 Place: Ala Moana Hotel
 Speaker: Rev. Yoshiko Teshigawara
     Rev. Hiei Ando

  The theme of English lecture is "A Bright Mind ― A Healthy and Prosperous Life" and the Japanese theme is "Hogarakana Kokoro―Kenko to Hanei wo Anatani."(朗らかな心―健康と繁栄をあなたに)

  The price of gas has begun surging again, and health issues including the H1N1 flu is everybody's concern. With the depletion of fossil energy impacting world economies, the global environment declining, unemployment rate at a record high, and uncertainty and anxiety spreading throughout society, people are seeking guidance for their lives. Now is Seicho-No-Ie's time to respond. Nothing is a more precious deed of love than to convey the Seicho-No-Ie teachings in this troubled time, because you can solve all problems by knowing that there is a perfect and harmonious world created by God, the True Image world, and believing and envisioning that perfect world and what is positive and already granted to you, and constantly carrying out that practice in your daily life. I would like to ask you to invite as many people as possible including your family, relatives, friends, neighbors and others to the Public Lecture. Thank you very much.

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